You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

section_3.js 17KB

  1. $(function () {
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  9. return rgbaColor;
  10. }
  11. function initlargeAnalysisEcharts(s_index,list) {
  12. var schoolscore = [],
  13. classscore = [],
  14. legendlist = [currentclass, "全年级"];
  15. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  16. if (item.subjectname != "全科") {
  17. classscore.push(item.classavgscore);
  18. schoolscore.push(item.gradeavgscore);
  19. }
  20. });
  21. // 求出数组最大值
  22. let arr = [...schoolscore, ...classscore];
  23. let arr1 = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
  24. let maxnum = parseInt((arr1 + 10) / 10) * 10;
  25. let arrList = [];
  26. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  27. if (item.subjectname != "全科") {
  28. let j = {
  29. name: item.qtypename,
  30. max: maxnum
  31. };
  32. arrList.push(j);
  33. }
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  65. {
  66. value: classscore,
  67. label: {
  68. show: true,
  69. formatter: function (params) {
  70. return params.value;
  71. }
  72. },
  73. name: currentclass
  74. },
  75. {
  76. value: schoolscore,
  77. label: {
  78. show: true,
  79. formatter: function (params) {
  80. return params.value;
  81. }
  82. },
  83. name: "全年级"
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  95. function showlargeAnalysistable (list,legendlist,s_index) {
  96. var table = "",goodTableHeadTr1Html = '<th rowspan="2">题型</th><th rowspan="2">对应题号</th><th rowspan="2">分值</th><th rowspan="2">占比</th><th colspan="2">年级</th><th colspan="2">'+currentclass+'</th>',
  97. goodTableHeadTr2Html = "", trHtml = "";
  98. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  99. trHtml += "<tr>";
  100. trHtml+= '<td><div class="my_cell">' +
  101. item.qtypename +
  102. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  103. item.qns +
  104. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  105. item.score +
  106. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  107. item.srate +
  108. '%</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  109. item.gradeavgscore +
  110. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  111. item.gradesrate +
  112. '%</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  113. item.classavgscore +
  114. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  115. item.classsrate +
  116. "%" +
  117. '</div></td>';
  118. })
  119. $.each(legendlist, function (idx, item) {
  120. goodTableHeadTr2Html+="<th>平均分</th><th>得分率</th>";
  121. })
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  127. trHtml +
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  131. function initSmallAnalysisEcharts (s_index,list) {
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  134. schoolscore = [],
  135. classscore = [],
  136. curseries = [];
  137. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  138. xAxis_data.push("第" + item.qn + "题");
  139. classscore.push(item.classavgscore);
  140. schoolscore.push(item.gradeavgscore);
  141. })
  142. let color = ["#5699FF", "#5EC5C8"];
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  183. false
  184. ),
  185. shadowColor: hexToRgba(color[0], 0),
  186. shadowBlur: 10
  187. }
  188. },
  189. data: classscore
  190. },
  191. {
  192. name: "全年级",
  193. type: "line",
  194. // smooth: true, //是否平滑曲线显示
  195. symbol: "circle", // 默认是空心圆(中间是白色的),改成实心圆
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  232. false
  233. ),
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  235. shadowBlur: 10
  236. }
  237. },
  238. data: schoolscore
  239. }
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  244. title: {
  245. text: "分",
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  312. ],
  313. series: curseries
  314. };
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  316. document.querySelector(".section_3_"+s_index +" #SmallAnalysisEcharts")
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  318. myEcharts.clear();
  319. myEcharts.setOption(option);
  320. showSmallSmallAnalysistable(list,legendlist,s_index);
  321. }
  322. function showSmallSmallAnalysistable (list,legendlist,s_index) {
  323. var table = "",goodTableHeadTr1Html = '<th rowspan="2">题号</th><th rowspan="2">题型</th><th rowspan="2">分值</th><th rowspan="2">难度</th><th colspan="2">年级</th><th colspan="2">'+currentclass+'</th>',
  324. goodTableHeadTr2Html = "", trHtml = "";
  325. var complexityarr = ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五"];
  326. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  327. var complexity = item.complexity ? complexityarr[item.complexity - 1] + "星" : " ";
  328. trHtml += "<tr>";
  329. trHtml+= '<td><div class="my_cell">' +
  330. item.qn +
  331. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  332. item.qtypename +
  333. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  334. item.score +
  335. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  336. complexity +
  337. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  338. item.gradeavgscore +
  339. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  340. item.gradesrate +
  341. '%</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  342. item.classavgscore +
  343. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  344. item.classsrate +
  345. "%" +
  346. '</div></td>';
  347. })
  348. $.each(legendlist, function (idx, item) {
  349. goodTableHeadTr2Html+="<th>平均分</th><th>得分率</th>";
  350. })
  351. table =' <table border="1" class="my_table"><thead><tr class="goodTableHeadTr1">' +
  352. goodTableHeadTr1Html +
  353. '</tr><tr class="goodTableHeadTr2">' +
  354. goodTableHeadTr2Html +
  355. '</tr></thead><tbody class="goodTableTbody">' +
  356. trHtml +
  357. "</tbody></table>"
  358. $(".section_3_" + s_index + " .SmallAnalysistable").html(table);
  359. }
  360. function initpointsAnalysisEcharts (s_index, list) {
  361. if (list.length == 0) return;
  362. console.log(list);
  363. var schoolscore = [],
  364. classscore = [],
  365. legendlist = [currentclass+"得分率", "年级得分率"];
  366. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  367. if (item.subjectname != "全科") {
  368. classscore.push(item.classsrate);
  369. schoolscore.push(item.gradesrate);
  370. }
  371. });
  372. // 求出数组最大值
  373. let arr = [...schoolscore, ...classscore];
  374. let arr1 = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
  375. let maxnum = parseInt((arr1 + 10) / 10) * 10;
  376. let arrList = [];
  377. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  378. if (item.subjectname != "全科") {
  379. let j = {
  380. name: item.pointname,
  381. max: maxnum
  382. };
  383. arrList.push(j);
  384. }
  385. });
  386. var option = {
  387. animation: false,
  388. color: ["#5C99FF", "#FF5F56"],
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  395. y: "bottom"
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  399. left: 0,
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  401. bottom: $.UnitUtil.mm2px(8),
  402. containLabel: true
  403. },
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  405. radius: "60%",
  406. center: ["50%", "55%"],
  407. indicator: arrList
  408. },
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  410. type: "radar",
  411. tooltip: {
  412. trigger: "item"
  413. },
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  415. data: [
  416. {
  417. value: classscore,
  418. label: {
  419. show: true,
  420. formatter: function (params) {
  421. return params.value;
  422. }
  423. },
  424. name: currentclass+"得分率"
  425. },
  426. {
  427. value: schoolscore,
  428. label: {
  429. show: true,
  430. formatter: function (params) {
  431. return params.value;
  432. }
  433. },
  434. name: "年级得分率"
  435. }
  436. ]
  437. }
  438. };
  439. var myEcharts = echarts.init(
  440. document.querySelector(".section_3_"+s_index +" #pointsAnalysisEcharts")
  441. );
  442. myEcharts.clear();
  443. myEcharts.setOption(option);
  444. showpointsAnalysistable(list,legendlist,s_index);
  445. }
  446. function showpointsAnalysistable (list, legendlist, s_index) {
  447. var table = "",goodTableHeadTr1Html = '<th rowspan="2">知识点</th><th rowspan="2">对应题号</th><th rowspan="2">分值</th><th rowspan="2">占比</th><th colspan="2">年级</th><th colspan="2">'+currentclass+'</th>',
  448. goodTableHeadTr2Html = "", trHtml = "";
  449. $.each(list, function (idx, item) {
  450. trHtml += "<tr>";
  451. trHtml+= '<td><div class="my_cell">' +
  452. item.pointname +
  453. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  454. item.qns +
  455. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  456. item.score +
  457. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  458. item.srate +
  459. '%</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  460. item.gradeavgscore +
  461. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  462. item.gradesrate +
  463. '%</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  464. item.classavgscore +
  465. '</div></td><td><div class="my_cell">' +
  466. item.classsrate +
  467. "%" +
  468. '</div></td>';
  469. })
  470. $.each(legendlist, function (idx, item) {
  471. goodTableHeadTr2Html+="<th>平均分</th><th>得分率</th>";
  472. })
  473. table =' <table border="1" class="my_table"><thead><tr class="goodTableHeadTr1">' +
  474. goodTableHeadTr1Html +
  475. '</tr><tr class="goodTableHeadTr2">' +
  476. goodTableHeadTr2Html +
  477. '</tr></thead><tbody class="goodTableTbody">' +
  478. trHtml +
  479. "</tbody></table>"
  480. $(".section_3_" + s_index + " .pointsAnalysistable").html(table);
  481. console.log($(".section_3_" + s_index + " .pointsAnalysistable").height());
  482. var
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  488. html+='<div class="page_root section_3_'+s_index +'">'+
  489. (s_index == 0?'<h1 class="section_title_1">第三章 试卷分析</h1><div class="abstract_box"><div class="abstract_left"><img src="/img/img2.png" /></div><div class="abstract_right"><div class="abstract_content">从学科试卷分析,帮我们从宏观的角度了解班级的水平和差异。系统从多个维度的数据进行学科对比分析,<strong>包括大题年级和班级的(平均分、得分率)、小题年级和班级的(平均分、得分率)。</strong></div></div></div>':"")+
  490. '<h1 class="subjectinfo">'+item.subjectname+'试卷分析</h1><h2 class="section_title_2">1. 大题分析</h2><h3 class="section_title_3">1.1 大题分析</h3><div id="largeAnalysisEcharts" style="margin: 0 4mm 4mm; height: 71mm"></div><h2 class="section_title_3">1.2 大题整体分析</h2><div class="largeAnalysistable"></div></div><div class="page_root section_3_'+
  491. s_index + '"><h2 class="section_title_2">2. 小题分析</h2><h3 class="section_title_3">2.1 小题分析</h3><div id="SmallAnalysisEcharts" style="margin: 0 4mm 4mm; height: 71mm"></div><h2 class="section_title_3_'+
  492. s_index +'">2.2 小题整体分析</h2><div class="SmallAnalysistable"></div></div>'+(item.points.length>0?'<div class="page_root section_3_'+
  493. s_index +'"><h2 class="section_title_2">3. 知识点掌握整体概况</h2><h3 class="section_title_3">3.1 知识点得分率分析</h3><div id="pointsAnalysisEcharts" style="margin: 0 4mm 4mm; height: 90mm"></div><h2 class="section_title_3">3.2 知识点整体分析</h2><div class="pointsAnalysistable"></div></div></div>':"")
  494. })
  495. $(".ChapterThree").html(html);
  496. console.log(parameter);
  497. $.each(parameter, function (s_index, item) {
  498. initlargeAnalysisEcharts(s_index, item.types);
  499. initSmallAnalysisEcharts(s_index, item.questions);
  500. initpointsAnalysisEcharts(s_index, item.points);
  501. })
  502. document.documentElement.scrollTop = 4000;
  503. });