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преди 4 години
  1. @echo off
  2. @rem $Id: ps2ps2.bat 6417 2005-12-29 01:11:43Z alexcher $
  3. @rem Converting Postscript 3 or PDF into PostScript 2.
  4. if %1/==/ goto usage
  5. if %2/==/ goto usage
  6. call gssetgs.bat
  7. echo -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH >_.at
  8. :cp
  9. if %3/==/ goto doit
  10. echo %1 >>_.at
  11. shift
  12. goto cp
  13. :doit
  14. rem Watcom C deletes = signs, so use # instead.
  15. %GSC% -q -sDEVICE#ps2write -sOutputFile#%2 @_.at %1
  16. if exist _.at erase _.at
  17. goto end
  18. :usage
  19. echo "Usage: ps2ps [options] input.ps output.ps"
  20. echo " e.g. ps2ps -sPAPERSIZE=a4 input.ps output.ps
  21. :end