using Aspose.Slides; using Aspose.Words.Saving; using ComeCapture; using Common.system; using RobotpenGateway; using Spire.Pdf; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Printing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; //using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Ink; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Threading; using TmatrixLibrary; using TStudyDigitalPen.HID; using XHWK.Model; using XHWK.WKTool.DAL; using XHWK.WKTool.UControl; namespace XHWK.WKTool { /// /// 主页面 /// public partial class XHMicroLessonSystemWindow : Window { #region 字段 /// /// 页码下拉列表 /// List PageData = null; private System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog Ofd; private System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult Result; public BlackboardNew myblackboard; private System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result; private System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofd; //声明一个 DrawingAttributes 类型的变量 private DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes; private Model_Video VideoInfo = null; ////定义事件 //public event ChangeTextHandler ChangeTextEvent; //定义委托 public delegate void ChangeTextHandler(string text); //定义委托 public delegate void ChangeTextHandlers(string text, int i); /// /// 图片 /// private string[] ImgPDFPath = new string[300]; /// /// 当前颜色 /// private System.Windows.Media.Color Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red; /// /// 笔迹粗细 /// private int PenSize = 2; //private DispatcherTimer t = null; /// /// 计时器状态 /// private enum State { Start, Pause, End } ///// ///// 状态 ///// //private State _state = State.End; ///// ///// 计时用 ///// //private TimeSpan _timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); #region 上传 /// /// 视频模型 /// private List model_VideoList = null; /// /// 数据列表 /// internal FileDirectoryData pageData = new FileDirectoryData(); /// /// 下标 /// private int Subscript = 0; /// /// 是否是修改状态 /// private bool IsModify = false; #endregion //private double screeHeight = SystemParameters.FullPrimaryScreenHeight; //private double screeWidth = SystemParameters.FullPrimaryScreenWidth; /// /// 键盘钩子 /// private KeyboardHookCommon k_hook; #endregion #region 初始化 /// /// 主页面 /// public XHMicroLessonSystemWindow() { new Aspose.Words.License().SetLicense(new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String("PExpY2Vuc2U+CiAgPERhdGE+CiAgICA8TGljZW5zZWRUbz5TdXpob3UgQXVuYm94IFNvZnR3YXJlIENvLiwgTHRkLjwvTGljZW5zZWRUbz4KICAgIDxFbWFpbFRvPnNhbGVzQGF1bnRlYy5jb208L0VtYWlsVG8+CiAgICA8TGljZW5zZVR5cGU+RGV2ZWxvcGVyIE9FTTwvTGljZW5zZVR5cGU+CiAgICA8TGljZW5zZU5vdGU+TGltaXRlZCB0byAxIGRldmVsb3BlciwgdW5saW1pdGVkIHBoeXNpY2FsIGxvY2F0aW9uczwvTGljZW5zZU5vdGU+CiAgICA8T3JkZXJJRD4xOTA4MjYwODA3NTM8L09yZGVySUQ+CiAgICA8VXNlcklEPjEzNDk3NjAwNjwvVXNlcklEPgogICAgPE9FTT5UaGlzIGlzIGEgcmVkaXN0cmlidXRhYmxlIGxpY2Vuc2U8L09FTT4KICAgIDxQcm9kdWN0cz4KICAgICAgPFByb2R1Y3Q+QXNwb3NlLlRvdGFsIGZvciAuTkVUPC9Qcm9kdWN0PgogICAgPC9Qcm9kdWN0cz4KICAgIDxFZGl0aW9uVHlwZT5FbnRlcnByaXNlPC9FZGl0aW9uVHlwZT4KICAgIDxTZXJpYWxOdW1iZXI+M2U0NGRlMzAtZmNkMi00MTA2LWIzNWQtNDZjNmEzNzE1ZmMyPC9TZXJpYWxOdW1iZXI+CiAgICA8U3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uRXhwaXJ5PjIwMjAwODI3PC9TdWJzY3JpcHRpb25FeHBpcnk+CiAgICA8TGljZW5zZVZlcnNpb24+My4wPC9MaWNlbnNlVmVyc2lvbj4KICAgIDxMaWNlbnNlSW5zdHJ1Y3Rpb25zPmh0dHBzOi8vcHVyY2hhc2UuYXNwb3NlLmNvbS9wb2xpY2llcy91c2UtbGljZW5zZTwvTGljZW5zZUluc3RydWN0aW9ucz4KICA8L0RhdGE+CiAgPFNpZ25hdHVyZT53UGJtNUt3ZTYvRFZXWFNIY1o4d2FiVEFQQXlSR0pEOGI3L00zVkV4YWZpQnd5U2h3YWtrNGI5N2c2eGtnTjhtbUFGY3J0c0cwd1ZDcnp6MytVYk9iQjRYUndTZWxsTFdXeXNDL0haTDNpN01SMC9jZUFxaVZFOU0rWndOQkR4RnlRbE9uYTFQajhQMzhzR1grQ3ZsemJLZFZPZXk1S3A2dDN5c0dqYWtaL1E9PC9TaWduYXR1cmU+CjwvTGljZW5zZT4="))); new Aspose.Pdf.License().SetLicense(new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String("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"))); new Aspose.Slides.License().SetLicense(new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String("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"))); InitializeComponent(); //Blue蓝 Black黑色 if (APP.SkinStyle == "Blue") { GridToolbars_Blue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; GridToolbars_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridTitle_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //Colum1.Width = new GridLength(0); } else if (APP.SkinStyle == "Black") { GridToolbars_Blue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridToolbars_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; GridTitle_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Colum1.Width = new GridLength(72); //GridLength.Auto; } else { GridToolbars_Blue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; GridToolbars_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridTitle_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } float WorkW = PrimaryScreen.ScaleWorkingAreaSize.Width; float WorkH = PrimaryScreen.ScaleWorkingAreaSize.Height; double proportion = 1036.0 / 1290.0; //限制大小 确保大屏幕下录制不会卡死 暂时 if (WorkW > 1920.0) { Width = 1920; Height = 1036; } else { Width = (PrimaryScreen.ScaleWorkingAreaSize.Height) / proportion - (BorderThickness.Left + BorderThickness.Right); Height = PrimaryScreen.ScaleWorkingAreaSize.Height - (BorderThickness.Top + BorderThickness.Bottom); } GridContent.Width = Width - 14; GridContent.Height = Height; #region 读取本地配置 if (File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "interfaceAddress.txt")) //若不为空 { APP.apiUrl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "interfaceAddress.txt", Encoding.Default); } if (File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "imageUploadAddress.txt")) //若不为空 { APP.uploadUrl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "imageUploadAddress.txt", Encoding.Default); } if (File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "pictureShowsAddress.txt")) //若不为空 { APP.showImageUrl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "pictureShowsAddress.txt", Encoding.Default); } #endregion //GridMain.Height= PrimaryScreen.ScaleScreenSize().Height - 40; //this.Top = (screeHeight - this.Height) / 2; //this.Left = (screeWidth - this.Width) / 2; ResizeMode = System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanMinimize; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; myblackboard = new BlackboardNew(blackboard_canvas); APP.pageData.pagenum = 0; APP.pageData.currpage = 0; DataContext = APP.pageData; //APP.SaveDraw();//画板模型第一页初始化 APP.PageDrawList = new List(); Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageNum = APP.pageData.currpage }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); txbv.Text = "v" + FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VersionName"); txbStoragePath.Content = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoType"); if (FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("IsSound").Equals("true")) { rbnY.IsChecked = true; } else { rbnN.IsChecked = true; } txbStoragePath.Content = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoSavePath"); Initialize(); InitPen(); InitlbPen(); InitTQLPPen(); InitPrint(); } /// /// 初始化 /// public void Initialize() { if (APP.isDebug) { txbVersion.Text = "测试版:"; } else { txbVersion.Text = "正式版:"; } #region 数据初始化 string pathTemp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(pathTemp); APP.pageData.pagenum = 0; APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum; btnStop.IsEnabled = false;//停止录制按钮不可点击 btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; #endregion k_hook = new KeyboardHookCommon(); k_hook.KeyDownEvent += K_hook_KeyDownEvent; k_hook.Start();//安装键盘钩子 APP.CameraPosition = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("CameraPosition"); //创建 DrawingAttributes 类的一个实例 drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(); //将 InkCanvas 的 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性的值赋成创建的 DrawingAttributes 类的对象的引用 //InkCanvas 通过 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性来获取墨迹的各种设置,该属性的类型为 DrawingAttributes 型 blackboard_canvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes; blackboard_canvas.UseCustomCursor = true; drawingAttributes.FitToCurve = true; drawingAttributes.IgnorePressure = false; drawingAttributes.Width = PenSize; drawingAttributes.Height = PenSize; drawingAttributes.Color = Color; blackboard_canvas.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Pen; //wfhCamera.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ImgPDFPath = null; ImgPDFPath = new string[300]; //gridM.Height = gridM.ActualWidth / proportion; //gridM.Height = gridM.Width / proportion; } /// /// 初始化快捷键 /// public void InitializeKeyDownEvent() { k_hook.Start();//安装键盘钩子 } /// /// 快捷键 /// /// /// private void K_hook_KeyDownEvent(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue == (int)System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Left) { if (APP.pageData.currpage > 1) { //上一页 last_button_Click(null, null); } } if (e.KeyValue == (int)System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Right) { if (APP.pageData.currpage < APP.pageData.pagenum) { //下一页 next_btn_Click(null, null); } } if (e.KeyValue == (int)System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Delete) { if (RectImgBorder.Visibility != Visibility.Hidden) { HideAngleBorder(); imgCanvas.Source = null; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PdfImagePath = null; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath = null; } } } /// /// 加载完成后调整录制区域大小 /// /// /// private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //调整录制区域宽高 double proportion = 210.0 / 297.0; gridM.Height = gridM.ActualWidth / proportion; } #endregion #region 事件 /// /// 窗体移动 /// /// /// private void Window_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { DragMove(); } void PageHide() { //设置 gridSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //上传-无用 gridUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //页码 gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //我的 GridMyVideo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //首页 GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //打印 GridPrintContent.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } #region 摄像头 private System.Timers.Timer times; private List RbnOpen; private bool IsRbnOpen = false; /// /// 摄像头打开事件 /// /// /// private void RbnOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!IsRbnOpen) { #region 防止连击 if (IsPressButton) { return; } else { IsPressButton = true; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbnTurnOff.IsEnabled = false; })); Thread.Sleep(500); //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbnTurnOff.IsEnabled = true; })); IsPressButton = false; }))).Start(); } #endregion CameraHelper.UpdateCameraDevices(); if (CameraHelper.CameraDevices.Count > 0) { int CameraIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < CameraHelper.CameraDevices.Count; i++) { if (CameraHelper.CameraDevices[i].MonikerString == APP.CameraName) { CameraIndex = i; } } CameraHelper.SetCameraDevice(CameraIndex); RbnOpen = new List(); times = new System.Timers.Timer(200)//初始值为300 { AutoReset = true//设置是否执行System.Timers.Timer.Elapsed事件 };//设置执行一次(false)还是一直执行(true) times.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(Times_Elapsed); times.Enabled = true; //启动计时器 IsRbnOpen = true; string imgPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("Temp/imgplayer"); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(imgPath); } } } private int I = 9999; private void Times_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (IsRbnOpen) { try { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (I > 10010) { long time = Timestamp(); string imgPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("Temp/imgplayer"); //string FilePathName = ImgPath + RsImgName.Count + ".png"; string path = CameraHelper.CaptureImage(imgPath, time.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { RbnOpen.Add(path); imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; /// < !--摄像头位置 1.右上 2.左上 3.右下 4.左下-- > if ("1".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRight.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); } else if ("2".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); } else if ("3".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); } else if ("4".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); } else { imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRight.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); } } } I++; }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【摄像】(Times_Elapsed)生成图片错误:" + ex.Message, ex); } } } /// /// 摄像头关闭事件 /// /// /// private void RbnTurnOff_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsRbnOpen) { #region 防止连击 if (IsPressButton) { return; } else { IsPressButton = true; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbnOpen.IsEnabled = false; })); Thread.Sleep(500); //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbnOpen.IsEnabled = true; })); IsPressButton = false; }))).Start(); } #endregion IsRbnOpen = false; imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; CameraHelper.CloseDevice(); I = 9999; } } #endregion /// /// 关闭事件 /// /// /// private void BtnDown_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsFirstR) { try { MessageBoxResult br = MessageWindow.Show("确定退出系统?", "退出", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (br == MessageBoxResult.OK) { try { APP.Killffmpeg(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("获取进程失败," + ex.Message, ex); } APP.SaveWkData(); APP.SaveDraw(); //Thread.Sleep(100); //Close(); //System.Windows. //Application.Current.Shutdown(); TMC.TmatrixUninitialize(); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("关闭微课失败," + ex.Message, ex); Close(); Application.Current.Shutdown(); TMC.TmatrixUninitialize(); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { MessageWindow.Show("当前正在录制,请先停止录制。"); return; //MessageBoxResult dr = MessageWindow.Show("当前正在录制,是否停止录制?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); //if (dr == MessageBoxResult.OK) //{ // APP.SaveWkData(); // APP.SaveDraw(); // BtnStop_Click(null, null); // while (!IsFirstR) // { // Thread.Sleep(100); // } // System.Environment.Exit(0); //} //else //{ // return; //} } } /// /// 增加事件 /// /// /// private void BtnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Record(); if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = true; } if (IsStartCount && blackboard_canvas.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { blackboard_canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } APP.pageData.pagenum += 1; HideAngleBorder(); gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum; myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); ///清空页面图片UI imgCanvas.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; if (APP.pageData.pagenum == 1) { APP.PageDrawList = new List(); } ///画板模型增加一页 Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageNum = APP.pageData.currpage }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; //APP.SaveDraw(); if (btnImport.IsEnabled || btnImport_Black.IsEnabled) { ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } #region 插入页码 PageData = new List(); for (int i = 1; i <= APP.pageData.pagenum; i++) { PageData pd = new PageData(); pd.PageName = i.ToString();// + "页"; pd.PageCode = i; PageData.Add(pd); } CbxPageList.ItemsSource = PageData; CbxPageList.SelectedIndex = APP.pageData.currpage - 1; #endregion } /// /// 打印事件 /// /// /// private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //3种情况 1.文档图片 2.截图图片 3.没有图片 if (APP.PageDrawList.Count == 0) { MessageWindow.Show("没有可打印的页,您可以通过加页、截图或导入来增加页!"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("转换失败,原因:" + ex.Message); } if (GridPrintContent.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { GridPrintContent.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (APP.pageData.pagenum > 0) { gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } DataContext = APP.pageData; } else { PageHide(); GridPrintContent.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (APP.PageDrawList.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[0].PageImagePath)) { InitializePrint(APP.PageDrawList[0].PageImagePath, gridM.ActualWidth, gridM.ActualHeight); } else { InitializePrint("", gridM.ActualWidth, gridActHeight); } } //if (APP.W_PrintWindow == null) //{ // APP.W_PrintWindow = new PrintWindow // { // Owner = this // }; //} //if (APP.PageDrawList.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[0].PageImagePath)) //{ // APP.W_PrintWindow.Initialize(APP.PageDrawList[0].PageImagePath, gridM.ActualWidth, gridM.ActualHeight); //} //else //{ // APP.W_PrintWindow.Initialize("", gridM.ActualWidth, gridActHeight); //} //APP.W_PrintWindow.ShowDialog(); } /// /// 最小化 /// /// /// private void BtnShrink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } else { WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } } #endregion #region 设置 /// /// 设置事件 /// /// /// private void BtnSetUp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!TxbRecordingWord.Text.Equals("暂停")) { if (gridSetUp.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { PageHide(); gridSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txbStoragePath.Content = APP.WKData.WkPath; #region 读取用户配置 //接口地址 if (!File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "interfaceAddress.txt")) //若为空 { txbInterfaceAddress.Text = APP.apiUrl.Replace("http://", "").Trim(); } else { txbInterfaceAddress.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "interfaceAddress.txt", Encoding.Default).Replace("http://", "").Trim(); } //上传地址 if (!File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "imageUploadAddress.txt")) //若为空 { txbImageUploadAddress.Text = APP.uploadUrl.Replace("http://", "").Replace("/", "").Trim(); } else { txbImageUploadAddress.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "imageUploadAddress.txt", Encoding.Default).Replace("http://", "").Replace("/", "").Trim(); } //下载地址 if (!File.Exists(APP.dataPath + "pictureShowsAddress.txt")) //若为空 { txbPictureShowsAddress.Text = APP.showImageUrl.Replace("http://", "").Replace("/static", "").Replace("/", "").Trim(); } else { txbPictureShowsAddress.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(APP.dataPath + "pictureShowsAddress.txt", Encoding.Default).Replace("http://", "").Replace("/static", "").Replace("/", "").Trim(); } /// < !--摄像头位置 1.右上 2.左上 3.右下 4.左下-- > if ("1".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { rbnRight.IsChecked = true; } else if ("2".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { rbnLeft.IsChecked = true; } else if ("3".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { rbnRightUnder.IsChecked = true; } else if ("4".Equals(APP.CameraPosition)) { rbnLeftUnder.IsChecked = true; } string type = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoType");// if ("1".Equals(type)) { rbnMP4.IsChecked = true; } else if ("2".Equals(type)) { rbnFLV.IsChecked = true; } else if ("3".Equals(type)) { rbnAVI.IsChecked = true; } string isHide = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("IsHideSRTool"); //工具栏是否隐藏 if (isHide.Equals("1")) { rbnHide.IsChecked = true; } else { rbnvisi.IsChecked = true; } string isSound = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("IsSound");// if (isSound == "true") { rbnY.IsChecked = true; } else { rbnN.IsChecked = true; } string Skin = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("SkinStyle"); if (Skin == "Blue") { rbnBlue.IsChecked = true; } else if (Skin == "Black") { rbnBlack.IsChecked = true; } else { rbnBlue.IsChecked = true; } #endregion } else { GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; gridSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (APP.pageData.pagenum > 0) { gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } DataContext = APP.pageData; } } } /// /// 设置 保存事件 /// /// /// private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { ImgRecord.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//设置结束时可录制 ImgRecordTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//设置结束时可录制 BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true;//设置结束时可录制 BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbInterfaceAddress.Text)) { string ApplicationData = APP.dataPath + "interfaceAddress.txt"; string temp = "http://" + txbInterfaceAddress.Text; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(ApplicationData, temp, Encoding.Default); } else { MessageWindow.Show("请输入接口地址"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbImageUploadAddress.Text))//图片上传地址 { string ApplicationData = APP.dataPath + "imageUploadAddress.txt"; string temp = "http://" + txbImageUploadAddress.Text + "/"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(ApplicationData, temp, Encoding.Default); } else { MessageWindow.Show("请输入上传地址"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbPictureShowsAddress.Text)) { string ApplicationData = APP.dataPath + "pictureShowsAddress.txt"; string temp = "http://" + txbPictureShowsAddress.Text + "/static/"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(ApplicationData, temp, Encoding.Default); } else { MessageWindow.Show("请输入下载地址"); return; } if (!APP.apiUrl.Equals("http://" + txbInterfaceAddress.Text)) { APP.apiUrl = "http://" + txbInterfaceAddress.Text; if (!txbLoginType.Text.Equals("未登录") || ImgHeadImg.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { LoginType(); MessageWindow.Show("接口地址已修改,请重新登录!"); } } if (!APP.uploadUrl.Equals(txbImageUploadAddress.Text)) { APP.uploadUrl = "http://" + txbImageUploadAddress.Text + "/"; } if (!APP.showImageUrl.Equals(txbPictureShowsAddress.Text)) { APP.showImageUrl = "http://" + txbPictureShowsAddress.Text + "/static/"; } if (rbnMP4.IsChecked == true) { //存储文件 FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "1"); } else if (rbnFLV.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "2"); } else { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "3"); } if (rbnY.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("IsSound", "true"); } else { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("IsSound", "false"); } UpdateHideSRToolConfig(); /// < !--摄像头位置 1.右上 2.左上 3.右下 4.左下-- > if (rbnRight.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("CameraPosition", "1"); } else if (rbnLeft.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("CameraPosition", "2"); } else if (rbnRightUnder.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("CameraPosition", "3"); } else if (rbnLeftUnder.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("CameraPosition", "4"); } //格式 if (rbnMP4.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "1"); } else if (rbnFLV.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "2"); } else if (rbnAVI.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoType", "3"); } //样式 if (rbnBlue.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("SkinStyle", "Blue"); if (APP.SkinStyle == "Black") { MessageWindow.Show("皮肤设置完成,下次启动程序时自动生效。"); } } else if (rbnBlack.IsChecked == true) { FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("SkinStyle", "Black"); if (APP.SkinStyle == "Blue") { MessageWindow.Show("皮肤设置完成,下次启动程序时自动生效。"); } } APP.CameraPosition = FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("CameraPosition"); GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; gridSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRight.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeft.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerRightUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgPlayerLeftUnder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (!txbStoragePath.Content.ToString().Equals(APP.WKData.WkPath)) { //存储文件 FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("VideoSavePath", txbStoragePath.Content.ToString()); MessageWindow.Show("路径已变更,下次创建微课时自动生效。"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("XHMicroLessonSystemWindow(设置保存事件报错:)" + ex.Message, ex); } } /// /// 设置 浏览事件 /// /// /// private void BtnBrowse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(APP.WKData.WkPath); //string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); Ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); Result = Ofd.ShowDialog(); if (Result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (Ofd.SelectedPath != "") { txbStoragePath.Content = Ofd.SelectedPath; //string ApplicationData = ZConfig.dataPath + "fileStorageAddress.txt"; //string temp = ofd.SelectedPath; //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(ApplicationData, temp, Encoding.Default); } } } /// /// 打开文件所在位置 /// /// /// private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(APP.WKData.WkPath); } /// /// 更新隐藏录屏工具栏隐藏状态 /// void UpdateHideSRToolConfig() { if (rbnHide.IsChecked == true) { //隐藏 FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("IsHideSRTool", "1"); APP.IsHideSRTool = true; } else { //显示 FileToolsCommon.SetConfigValue("IsHideSRTool", "0"); APP.IsHideSRTool = false; } } #endregion #region 画笔 /// /// 画笔颜色事件 白色 /// /// /// private void BtnWhite_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ////创建 DrawingAttributes 类的一个实例 //drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(); ////将 InkCanvas 的 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性的值赋成创建的 DrawingAttributes 类的对象的引用 ////InkCanvas 通过 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性来获取墨迹的各种设置,该属性的类型为 DrawingAttributes 型 //blackboard_canvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes; ////设置 DrawingAttributes 的 Color 属性设置颜色 drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.White; Color = Colors.White; } /// /// 画笔颜色事件 红色 /// /// /// private void BtnRed_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //设置 DrawingAttributes 的 Color 属性设置颜色 drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Red; Color = Colors.Red; imgRed.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgGray.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgCyanBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgYellow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } /// /// 画笔颜色事件 黑色 /// /// /// private void BtnGray_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Black; Color = Colors.Black; imgRed.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgGray.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgCyanBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgYellow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } /// /// 画笔颜色事件 青色 /// /// /// private void BtnCyanBlue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.LimeGreen; Color = Colors.LimeGreen; imgRed.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgGray.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgCyanBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgYellow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } /// /// 画笔颜色事件 黄色 /// /// /// private void BtnYellow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Gold; Color = Colors.Gold; imgRed.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgGray.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgCyanBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgYellow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } /// /// 画笔颜色事件 蓝色 /// /// /// private void BtnBlue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Color = Colors.DeepSkyBlue; Color = Colors.DeepSkyBlue; imgRed.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgGray.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgCyanBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgYellow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; imgBlue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } /// /// 画笔粗细事件 细 /// /// /// private void RbnFine_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Width = 1; drawingAttributes.Height = 1; PenSize = 1; } /// /// 画笔粗细事件 中 /// /// /// private void RbnIn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Width = 3; drawingAttributes.Height = 3; PenSize = 3; } /// /// 画笔粗细事件 粗 /// /// /// private void RbnCrude_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { drawingAttributes.Width = 5; drawingAttributes.Height = 5; PenSize = 5; } private void imgCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { mouseDown = true; } #endregion #region 导入截图 /// /// 截图事件 /// /// /// private void BtnScreenshot_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { double do1 = GridContent.ActualHeight; double dou = GridMain.ActualHeight; Record(); HideAngleBorder(); imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); APP.ImgPath = string.Empty; string time = GetTimeStamp(); string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory) + time + ".jpg"; APP.ImgPath = desktopPath; ImageHelper.GetScreenshot(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), desktopPath, false, out BitmapImage bitmap); k_hook.Stop(); if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal)//截图隐藏窗口 { WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } if (APP.W_JieTuWindow != null) { APP.W_JieTuWindow.initialization(); APP.W_JieTuWindow.Screenshot(); APP.W_JieTuWindow.InitializeKeyDownEvent(); APP.W_JieTuWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; APP.W_JieTuWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { APP.W_JieTuWindow = new JieTuWindow(); APP.W_JieTuWindow.InitializeKeyDownEvent(); // 订阅事件 APP.W_JieTuWindow.ChangeTextEvent += new ChangeTextHandler(frm_ChangeTextEvent); APP.W_JieTuWindow.click_closeJietuWindowClick += JietuWindow_click_closeJietuWindowClick; APP.W_JieTuWindow.Show(); } //imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(desktopPath)); } /// /// 获取时间戳 /// /// public string GetTimeStamp() { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); return Convert.ToInt64(ts.TotalSeconds).ToString(); } /// /// 返回一个时间戳到毫秒 /// /// public static long Timestamp() { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); long timestr = Convert.ToInt64(ts.TotalMilliseconds); return timestr; } public void WindowType() { if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)//截图完恢复窗口 { Topmost = true; WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } } /// /// 截图关闭窗口 /// /// private void frm_ChangeTextEvent(string text) { if ("关闭窗口".Equals(text)) { if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)//截图完恢复窗口 { Topmost = true; WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } InitializeKeyDownEvent(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.ImgPath) && File.Exists(APP.ImgPath)) { if (APP.pageData.currpage == 0) { APP.pageData.pagenum += 1; APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum; myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 #region 插入页码 PageData = new List(); for (int i = 1; i <= APP.pageData.pagenum; i++) { PageData pd = new PageData(); pd.PageName = i.ToString();// + "页"; pd.PageCode = i; PageData.Add(pd); } CbxPageList.ItemsSource = PageData; CbxPageList.SelectedIndex = APP.pageData.currpage - 1; #endregion } if (APP.PageDrawList.Count >= APP.pageData.currpage) { APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath = APP.ImgPath;//zxycs APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PdfImagePath = APP.ImgPath; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = APP.ImgPath, PdfImagePath = APP.ImgPath }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } if (APP.PageDrawList.Count >= APP.pageData.currpage && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)) { imgDocumentation.Source = null; BitmapImage bitImg = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); mouseDown = false; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = 0.1, Y = 0.1 }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].Type = "截图"; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; imgCanvas.Source = bitImg; imgCanvas.Width = bitImg.Width; imgCanvas.Height = bitImg.Height; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.Width, CenterY = imgCanvas.Height }; ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//截图成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; } } Topmost = false; } } /// /// 截图关闭 非正常关闭截图时,截图清空 /// private void JietuWindow_click_closeJietuWindowClick() { if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)//截图完恢复窗口 { WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } APP.W_JieTuWindow = null; } /// 截图的图片鼠标右键事件 /// /// /// private void imgCanvas_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { imgCanvas.Source = null; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PdfImagePath = null; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath = null; } /// /// 导入事件 /// /// /// private void BtnImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Record(); HideAngleBorder(); string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog { //Filter = "文档|*.docx;*.doc;*.ppt;*.pptx", //增加导入图片 Filter = "文档|*.docx;*.doc;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.pdf|图片|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp", InitialDirectory = desktopPath, Multiselect = false, AddExtension = true, DereferenceLinks = true }; //APP.myloading.Show(); APP.BackgroundWorkerHelper.RunWorkerAsync(InvokeServering, InvokeServerCompate); //new Thread( // o => // { // Thread.Sleep(400); // Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => // { // OpenDialog(); // } // )); // }) //{ // IsBackground = true //}.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【导入(BtnImport_Click)" + ex.Message, ex); } } /// /// 导入-开始 /// /// private object InvokeServering() { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { result = ofd.ShowDialog(); })); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (ofd.FileName != "") { List imagelist = new List() { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp" }; Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { APP.myloading.Show(); myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.pagenum); })); string filepath = ofd.FileName; string filesuff = filepath.Substring(filepath.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); string path = ofd.SafeFileName.Replace(".ppt", "").Replace(".pptx", "").Trim(); string type = ofd.SafeFileName.Replace(".ppt", "typezsygppt").Replace(".pptx", "typezsygppt").Replace(".pdf", "typepdf").Trim(); if (type.Contains("typezsygppt"))//ppt { try { #region PPT转PDF string pathTemp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; path = pathTemp + path + ".pdf"; FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(pathTemp); //PPT转PDF Presentation ppt = new Presentation(filepath); ppt.Save(path, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf); #endregion #region PDF转图片 // 图片绝对路径集合 List images = new List(); string directoryPath = pathTemp; //aspose许可证 //Aspose.Pdf.License l = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); //string licenseName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic"); //l.SetLicense(licenseName); //定义Jpeg转换设备 Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(path); Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(); //int quality = int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); //directoryPath += quality; Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); //默认质量为100,设置质量的好坏与处理速度不成正比,甚至是设置的质量越低反而花的时间越长,怀疑处理过程是先生成高质量的再压缩 device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(100); //遍历每一页转为jpg for (int i = 1; i <= document.Pages.Count; i++) { long ii = Timestamp(); string filePathOutPut = Path.Combine(directoryPath, string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", ii, i)); images.Add(filePathOutPut); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePathOutPut, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { device.Process(document.Pages[i], fs); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception) { fs.Close(); File.Delete(filePathOutPut); } } #endregion Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { string[] page = images.ToArray(); int num = 0; int iStart = APP.pageData.pagenum;//导入文档的开始下标 int iEnd = page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum;//导入文档的结束下标 for (int i = 0 + APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; APP.PageDrawList[i].Type = "ppt"; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true, Type = "ppt" }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); for (int i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) { APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = 0.1, Y = 0.1 }; APP.PageDrawList[i].IsImageLocation = true; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.Width, CenterY = imgCanvas.Height }; } } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } })); } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { MessageWindow.Show("无法访问文件,请检查文件是否有效或解除文件占用!"); })); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【打开ppt】(OpenDialog PPT)" + ex.Message, ex); } } else if (type.Contains("typepdf")) { try { string pathTemp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; #region PDF转图片 // 图片绝对路径集合 List images = new List(); string directoryPath = pathTemp; //aspose许可证 //Aspose.Pdf.License l = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); //string licenseName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic"); //l.SetLicense(licenseName); //定义Jpeg转换设备 Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(filepath); Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(); //int quality = int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); //directoryPath += quality; Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); //默认质量为100,设置质量的好坏与处理速度不成正比,甚至是设置的质量越低反而花的时间越长,怀疑处理过程是先生成高质量的再压缩 device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(100); //遍历每一页转为jpg for (int i = 1; i <= document.Pages.Count; i++) { long ii = Timestamp(); string filePathOutPut = Path.Combine(directoryPath, string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", ii, i)); images.Add(filePathOutPut); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePathOutPut, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { device.Process(document.Pages[i], fs); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception) { fs.Close(); File.Delete(filePathOutPut); } } #endregion string[] page = images.ToArray(); int num = 0; int iStart = APP.pageData.pagenum;//导入文档的开始下标 int iEnd = page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum;//导入文档的结束下标 Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { for (int i = APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; APP.PageDrawList[i].Type = "word"; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true, Type = "word" }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath));//给当前页面展示图片 scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } })); } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); })); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【打开pdf】(OpenDialog pdf)" + ex.Message, ex); } } else if (imagelist.Contains(filesuff))///导入图片 { string imagepath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "temp"; if (!Directory.Exists(imagepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(imagepath); } TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); string timestr = Convert.ToInt64(ts.TotalMilliseconds).ToString(); string filepathCopy = Path.Combine(imagepath, timestr + ofd.SafeFileName); System.IO.File.Copy(filepath, filepathCopy); filepath = filepathCopy; APP.ImgPath = filepath; Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { if (APP.pageData.currpage == 0) { APP.pageData.pagenum += 1; APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum; myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 #region 插入页码 PageData = new List(); for (int i = 1; i <= APP.pageData.pagenum; i++) { PageData pd = new PageData(); pd.PageName = i.ToString();// + "页"; pd.PageCode = i; PageData.Add(pd); } CbxPageList.ItemsSource = PageData; CbxPageList.SelectedIndex = APP.pageData.currpage - 1; #endregion } else { APP.pageData.pagenum += 1; APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum; myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); } if (APP.PageDrawList.Count >= APP.pageData.currpage) { APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath = APP.ImgPath;//zxycs APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PdfImagePath = APP.ImgPath; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = APP.ImgPath, PdfImagePath = APP.ImgPath }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } if (APP.PageDrawList.Count >= APP.pageData.currpage && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)) { imgDocumentation.Source = null; BitmapImage bitImg = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); mouseDown = false; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = 0.1, Y = 0.1 }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].Type = "截图"; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; imgCanvas.Source = bitImg; imgCanvas.Width = bitImg.Width; imgCanvas.Height = bitImg.Height; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.X, APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.Y, 0, 0); APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.Width, CenterY = imgCanvas.Height }; ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//截图成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; } })); } else//word { try { string paths = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; string[] page = ConvertWordToImage(filepath, paths, "", 0, 0, null, 0).ToArray(); int num = 0; Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { for (int i = 0 + APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; APP.PageDrawList[i].Type = "word"; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true, Type = "word" }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath));//给当前页面展示图片 scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } })); } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { MessageWindow.Show("无法访问文件,请检查文件是否有效或解除文件占用!"); })); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【XHMicroLessonSystemWindow】(OpenDialog 导入文档)" + ex.Message, ex); } } #region 插入页码 Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { PageData = new List(); for (int i = 1; i <= APP.pageData.pagenum; i++) { PageData pd = new PageData(); pd.PageName = i.ToString();//+ "页"; pd.PageCode = i; PageData.Add(pd); } CbxPageList.ItemsSource = PageData; CbxPageList.SelectedIndex = APP.pageData.currpage - 1; })); #endregion } } //OpenDialog(); return ""; } /// /// 导入-结束 /// /// public void InvokeServerCompate(object obj) { //APP.myloading.Hide(); APP.myloading.Hide(); } /// /// 导入文档 /// private void OpenDialog() { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { result = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (ofd.FileName != "") { APP.myloading.Show(); myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.pagenum); #region PPT转PDF string filepath = ofd.FileName; string path = ofd.SafeFileName.Replace(".ppt", "").Replace(".pptx", "").Trim(); string type = ofd.SafeFileName.Replace(".ppt", "typezsygppt").Replace(".pptx", "typezsygppt").Replace(".pdf", "typepdf").Trim(); if (type.Contains("typezsygppt"))//ppt { try { string pathTemp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; path = pathTemp + path + ".pdf"; FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(pathTemp); //PPT转PDF Presentation ppt = new Presentation(filepath); ppt.Save(path, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf); #endregion #region PDF转图片 // 图片绝对路径集合 List images = new List(); string directoryPath = pathTemp; //aspose许可证 //Aspose.Pdf.License l = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); //string licenseName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic"); //l.SetLicense(licenseName); //定义Jpeg转换设备 Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(path); Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(); //int quality = int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); //directoryPath += quality; Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); //默认质量为100,设置质量的好坏与处理速度不成正比,甚至是设置的质量越低反而花的时间越长,怀疑处理过程是先生成高质量的再压缩 device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(100); //遍历每一页转为jpg for (int i = 1; i <= document.Pages.Count; i++) { long ii = Timestamp(); string filePathOutPut = Path.Combine(directoryPath, string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", ii, i)); images.Add(filePathOutPut); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePathOutPut, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { device.Process(document.Pages[i], fs); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception) { fs.Close(); File.Delete(filePathOutPut); } } #endregion string[] page = images.ToArray(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0 + APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage < APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath));//给当前页面展示图片 } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } APP.myloading.Hide(); } catch (Exception ex) { APP.myloading.Hide(); MessageWindow.Show("无法访问文件,请检查文件是否有效或解除文件占用!"); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【打开ppt】(OpenDialog PPT)" + ex.Message, ex); } } else if (type.Contains("typepdf")) { string pathTemp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; #region PDF转图片 // 图片绝对路径集合 List images = new List(); string directoryPath = pathTemp; //aspose许可证 //Aspose.Pdf.License l = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); //string licenseName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic"); //l.SetLicense(licenseName); //定义Jpeg转换设备 Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(filepath); Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(); //int quality = int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); //directoryPath += quality; Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); //默认质量为100,设置质量的好坏与处理速度不成正比,甚至是设置的质量越低反而花的时间越长,怀疑处理过程是先生成高质量的再压缩 device = new Aspose.Pdf.Devices.JpegDevice(100); //遍历每一页转为jpg for (int i = 1; i <= document.Pages.Count; i++) { long ii = Timestamp(); string filePathOutPut = Path.Combine(directoryPath, string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", ii, i)); images.Add(filePathOutPut); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePathOutPut, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { device.Process(document.Pages[i], fs); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception) { fs.Close(); File.Delete(filePathOutPut); } } #endregion string[] page = images.ToArray(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0 + APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage < APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath));//给当前页面展示图片 } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } APP.myloading.Hide(); } else//word { try { string paths = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; string[] page = ConvertWordToImage(filepath, paths, "", 0, 0, null, 0).ToArray(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0 + APP.pageData.pagenum; i < page.Length + APP.pageData.pagenum; i++)//给画板模型加图片路径 { if (APP.PageDrawList != null && APP.PageDrawList.Count > i) { APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; //zxycs APP.PageDrawList[i].PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum]; APP.PageDrawList[i].PageNum = i + 1; APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation = true; } else { Model_DrawData model_DrawData = new Model_DrawData { PageImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PdfImagePath = page[i - APP.pageData.pagenum], PageNum = i + 1, ImgDocumentation = true }; APP.PageDrawList.Add(model_DrawData); } ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//导入成功可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; APP.SaveDraw(); num++; } if (num > 0) { APP.pageData.currpage = APP.pageData.pagenum + 1; APP.pageData.pagenum += num; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//页码大于0 显示 } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && APP.pageData.currpage < APP.PageDrawList.Count) { imgCanvas.Source = null; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; imgDocumentation.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath));//给当前页面展示图片 } else { imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } APP.myloading.Hide(); } catch (Exception ex) { APP.myloading.Hide(); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【XHMicroLessonSystemWindow】(OpenDialog 导入文档)" + ex.Message, ex); } } } } } )); } #region 导入转换图片 /// /// 生成图片 /// /// 图片地址 /// 保存位置 /// 图片位置 /// 错误消息 /// private bool MergerImg(string _path, string _saveimg, RectangleF _rectangle, out string errmsg) { errmsg = null; try { Bitmap bitmap = null; //创建要显示的图片对象,根据参数的个数设置宽度 Bitmap backgroudImg = new Bitmap((int)gridM.ActualWidth, (int)gridM.ActualHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(backgroudImg); //清除画布,背景设置为白色 g.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.White); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_path)) { bitmap = ImageHelper.ReadBitmapFile(_path); g.DrawImage(bitmap, _rectangle); } backgroudImg.Save(_saveimg); g.Dispose(); backgroudImg.Dispose(); if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.Dispose(); } GC.Collect(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { errmsg = ex.Message; LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【截图合成】(MergerImg)图片合成失败:" + ex.Message, ex); return false; } } /// /// 将Word文档转换为图片的方法(该方法基于第三方DLL),你可以像这样调用该方法: ConvertPDF2Image("F:\\PdfFile.doc", "F:\\", /// "ImageFile", 1, 20, ImageFormat.Png, 256); /// /// Word文件路径 /// 图片输出路径,如果为空,默认值为Word所在路径 /// 图片的名字,不需要带扩展名,如果为空,默认值为Word的名称 /// 从PDF文档的第几页开始转换,如果为0,默认值为1 /// 从PDF文档的第几页开始停止转换,如果为0,默认值为Word总页数 /// 设置所需图片格式,如果为null,默认格式为PNG /// 设置图片的像素,数字越大越清晰,如果为0,默认值为128,建议最大值不要超过1024 public List ConvertWordToImage(string wordInputPath, string imageOutputPath, string imageName, int startPageNum, int endPageNum, ImageFormat imageFormat, float resolution) { // 返回的图片绝对路径集合 List images = new List(); try { // open word file Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(wordInputPath); // validate parameter if (doc == null) { throw new Exception("Word文件无效或者Word文件被加密!"); } if (imageOutputPath.Trim().Length == 0) { imageOutputPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(wordInputPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(imageOutputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(imageOutputPath); } if (imageName.Trim().Length == 0) { imageName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wordInputPath); } if (startPageNum <= 0) { startPageNum = 1; } if (endPageNum > doc.PageCount || endPageNum <= 0) { endPageNum = doc.PageCount; } if (startPageNum > endPageNum) { int tempPageNum = startPageNum; startPageNum = endPageNum; endPageNum = startPageNum; } if (imageFormat == null) { imageFormat = ImageFormat.Png; } if (resolution <= 0) { resolution = 128; } ImageSaveOptions imageSaveOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(GetSaveFormat(imageFormat)) { Resolution = resolution }; // start to convert each page for (int i = startPageNum; i <= endPageNum; i++) { imageSaveOptions.PageIndex = i - 1; doc.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(imageOutputPath, imageName) + "_" + APP.num.ToString() + "." + imageFormat.ToString(), imageSaveOptions); images.Add(System.IO.Path.Combine(imageOutputPath, imageName) + "_" + APP.num.ToString() + "." + imageFormat.ToString()); APP.num++; } imageSaveOptions = null; doc = null; } catch (Exception ex) { //if(ex.Message.ToString().Equals("{\"The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.\"}")) //{ // MessageWindow.Show("Word文件无效或者Word文件被加密!"); //} //else //{ MessageWindow.Show("该文件无法使用!"); //} LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【导入方法(ConvertWordToImage)】错误日志:" + ex.Message, ex); } return images; } private static Aspose.Words.SaveFormat GetSaveFormat(ImageFormat imageFormat) { Aspose.Words.SaveFormat sf;// = SaveFormat.Unknown; if (imageFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Png)) { sf = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png; } else if (imageFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg)) { sf = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg; } else if (imageFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Tiff)) { sf = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff; } else if (imageFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Bmp)) { sf = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp; } else { sf = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Unknown; } return sf; } #endregion #endregion #region 上传 列表 /// /// 上传事件 /// /// /// private void BtnUpload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //if (gridUpload.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) //{ // gridUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // //ImgRecord.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//上传结束时可录制 // //ImgRecordTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//上传结束时可录制 // //BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true;//设置结束时可录制 // if (APP.pageData.pagenum > 0) // { // gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // } // DataContext = APP.pageData; //} //else //{ // gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // gridUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // //ImgRecord.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//上传时不可录制 // //ImgRecordTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//上传时不可录制 // //BtnRecord.IsEnabled = false;//上传时不可录制 // InitializeUpload(); //} if (GridMyVideo.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { GridMyVideo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (APP.pageData.pagenum > 0) { gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } DataContext = APP.pageData; } else { PageHide(); GridMyVideo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LoadUploadInitData(); } //btnStop.IsEnabled = true;//停止录制按钮可点击 } /// /// 初始化上传 /// public void InitializeUpload() { APP.myloading.Show(); //MouseNumber = 0; IsModify = false; //加载视频列表 LoadingVideoList(); int i = 1; bool isColour = true; pageData.menuList.Clear(); //显示视频 foreach (Model_Video videoinfo in model_VideoList) { //是否已上传 //videoinfo.IsUpload; //录制时间 //videoinfo.RSTime; //文件大小 //videoinfo.VideoSize; //文件缩略图路径 //videoinfo.ThumbnailPath; //文件唯一标示 上传事件筛选需要上传的视频 //videoinfo.FileGuid; //文件存储路径 //videoinfo.VidePath; string colour = "#FFFFFF"; if (isColour == true) { colour = "#FFFFFF"; isColour = false; } else { colour = "#E6F1FF"; isColour = true; } string vis = "Visible"; string cos = "Collapsed"; if (!videoinfo.IsUpload) { vis = "Collapsed"; cos = "Visible"; } //if(i==1)//ceshi //{ // vis = "Visible"; // cos = "Collapsed"; //} if (i <= 16) { pageData.menuList.Add(new FileDirectoryModel() { SerialNumber = i, VideoName = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), Name = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), FilePath = videoinfo.VideoPath.Replace(FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath), "").Trim(), VideoDuration = 0, VideoSize = videoinfo.VideoSize, VideoTime = videoinfo.RSTime, IsEnabled = false, Path = videoinfo.VideoPath, Colour = colour, Visi = vis, Coll = cos, FileGuid = videoinfo.FileGuid, VideoType = videoinfo.VideoType.ToString(), VideoSizes = videoinfo.VideoSizebyte }); ; } i++; } Currpage = 0; PageNum = 0; if (pageData.menuList.Count > 0) { Currpage = 1; txbCurrpageTwo.Text = Currpage.ToString(); stpUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { stpUp.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } PageNum = model_VideoList.Count; if (PageNum > 0) { int t = 1; while (PageNum > 16 * t) { t++; } PageNum = t; } else { PageNum = 0; } txbPageNumTwo.Text = PageNum.ToString(); APP.myloading.Hide(); DataContext = pageData; } /// /// 当前页 /// private int Currpage = 0; /// /// 总页码 /// private int PageNum = 0; /// /// 加载视频列表 /// public void LoadingVideoList() { try { model_VideoList = new List(); foreach (Model_WKData Vdata in APP.WKDataList) { #region 计时器初始化 if (Vdata.VideoList == null) { continue; } foreach (Model_Video videoinfo in Vdata.VideoList) { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(videoinfo.VideoPath)) { continue; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(videoinfo.VideoSize) || videoinfo.VideoSize == "0 MB") { videoinfo.VideoSize = FileToolsCommon.GetFileSizeByMB(videoinfo.VideoPath).ToString() + " MB"; videoinfo.VideoSizebyte = FileToolsCommon.GetFileSize(videoinfo.VideoPath); } model_VideoList.Add(videoinfo); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【加载视频列表】(LoadingVideoList)" + ex.Message, ex); } } #endregion } //翻转 if (model_VideoList.Count > 1) { model_VideoList.Reverse(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【加载视频列表】(LoadingVideoList)" + ex.Message, ex); } } ////定义事件 //public event ChangeTextHandler ChangeTextEvents; /// /// 上传 /// /// /// private void BtnUploads_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (APP.IsLoginType == false) { Login(); return; } pageData.menuList[Subscript].IsEnabled = false; List buttons = FindChilds(listView1, "btnUpload"); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { if (buttons[i] == sender) { DAL_Upload dAL_Upload = new DAL_Upload(); if (dAL_Upload.UploadVideo(pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid, out string ErrMessage)) { //MessageWindow.Show("视频上传服务器成功!"); if (APP.W_UploadWindow == null) { APP.W_UploadWindow = new UploadWindow { Owner = this }; APP.W_UploadWindow.ChangeTextEvents += new ChangeTextHandlers(frm_ChangeTextEvents); } //long size = Convert.ToInt64(FileToolsCommon.GetFileSizeByMB(pageData.menuList[i].FilePath)); APP.W_UploadWindow.Initialize(pageData.menuList[i].VideoName, pageData.menuList[i].VideoSizes, pageData.menuList[i].VideoType, pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid, i); APP.W_UploadWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageWindow.Show(ErrMessage); } } } } /// /// 上传返回事件 /// /// private void frm_ChangeTextEvents(string text, int i) { if ("上传成功".Equals(text)) { pageData.menuList[i].Visi = "Visible"; pageData.menuList[i].Coll = "Collapsed"; DataContext = pageData; } } /// /// 删除 /// /// /// private void BtnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult dr = MessageWindow.Show("确定删除该视频?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (dr == MessageBoxResult.OK) { pageData.menuList[Subscript].IsEnabled = false; List buttons = FindChilds(listView1, "btnDelete"); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { if (buttons[i] == sender) { //if (APP.W_PromptWindow == null) //{ // APP.W_PromptWindow = new PromptWindow(); // APP.W_PromptWindow.Owner = this; //} //APP.W_PromptWindow.Initialize(pageData.menuList[i].VideoName); //APP.W_PromptWindow.ShowDialog(); foreach (Model_WKData wKData in APP.WKDataList) { if (wKData.VideoList == null) { continue; } if (wKData.VideoList.Exists(x => x.FileGuid == pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid)) { try { FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(wKData.VideoList.Find(x => x.FileGuid == pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid).VideoPath); FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(wKData.VideoList.Find(x => x.FileGuid == pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid).ThumbnailPath); wKData.VideoList.Remove(wKData.VideoList.Find(x => x.FileGuid == pageData.menuList[i].FileGuid)); InitializeUpload(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show("无法删除视频!" + ex.Message); return; } } } } } } } /// /// 播放 /// /// /// private void BtnPlay_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { pageData.menuList[Subscript].IsEnabled = false; List buttons = FindChilds(listView1, "btnPlay"); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { if (buttons[i] == sender) { try { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(pageData.menuList[i].Path); Process pro = new Process { StartInfo = psi }; pro.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("FileDirectoryWindow【BtnPlay_Click】" + ex.Message, ex); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } } } } /// /// 搜索集合匹配的索引 /// /// /// /// /// public static List FindChilds(DependencyObject parent, string childName) where T : DependencyObject { List list = new List(); if (parent == null) { return list; } int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i); // 如果子控件不是需查找的控件类型 T childType = child as T; if (childType == null) { // 在下一级控件中递归查找 List findChildList = FindChilds(child, childName); for (int j = 0; j < findChildList.Count; j++) { } list.AddRange(FindChilds(child, childName)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(childName)) { FrameworkElement frameworkElement = child as FrameworkElement; // 如果控件名称符合参数条件 if (frameworkElement != null && frameworkElement.Name == childName) { list.Add((T)child); } } else { // 查找到了控件 list.Add((T)child); } } return list; } /// /// 修改 /// /// /// private void BtnModify_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsModify) { try { string newName = pageData.menuList[Subscript].VideoName + "." + pageData.menuList[Subscript].VideoType; bool isName = ModifyPathName(pageData.menuList[Subscript].FileGuid, newName, out string Errmessage); if (!isName) { MessageWindow.Show(Errmessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("XHMicroLessonSystemWindow(BtnModify_Click)" + ex.Message, ex); } IsModify = false; pageData.menuList[Subscript].IsEnabled = false; listView1.DataContext = pageData; } else { List buttons = FindChilds(listView1, "btnModify"); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { if (buttons[i] == sender) { pageData.menuList[i].IsEnabled = true; Subscript = i; IsModify = true; } } } } //private int MouseNumber = 0; /// /// 上传 上页 /// /// /// private void BtnLastPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Currpage > 1) { Currpage -= 1; txbCurrpageTwo.Text = Currpage.ToString(); int i = 1; bool isColour = true; pageData.menuList.Clear(); //显示视频 foreach (Model_Video videoinfo in model_VideoList) { //是否已上传 //videoinfo.IsUpload; //录制时间 //videoinfo.RSTime; //文件大小 //videoinfo.VideoSize; //文件缩略图路径 //videoinfo.ThumbnailPath; //文件唯一标示 上传事件筛选需要上传的视频 //videoinfo.FileGuid; //文件存储路径 //videoinfo.VidePath; string colour = "#FFFFFF"; if (isColour == true) { colour = "#FFFFFF"; isColour = false; } else { colour = "#E6F1FF"; isColour = true; } string vis = "Visible"; string cos = "Collapsed"; if (!videoinfo.IsUpload) { vis = "Collapsed"; cos = "Visible"; } if (i <= Currpage * 16 && i >= (Currpage - 1) * 16) { pageData.menuList.Add(new FileDirectoryModel() { SerialNumber = i, VideoName = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), Name = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), FilePath = videoinfo.VideoPath.Replace(FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath), "").Trim(), VideoDuration = 0, VideoSize = videoinfo.VideoSize, VideoTime = videoinfo.RSTime, IsEnabled = false, Path = videoinfo.VideoPath, Colour = colour, Visi = vis, Coll = cos, FileGuid = videoinfo.FileGuid, VideoType = videoinfo.VideoType.ToString() }); ; } i++; } APP.myloading.Hide(); } } /// /// 上传 下页 /// /// /// private void BtnNextPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Currpage < PageNum) { Currpage += 1; txbCurrpageTwo.Text = Currpage.ToString(); int i = 1; bool isColour = true; pageData.menuList.Clear(); //显示视频 foreach (Model_Video videoinfo in model_VideoList) { //是否已上传 //videoinfo.IsUpload; //录制时间 //videoinfo.RSTime; //文件大小 //videoinfo.VideoSize; //文件缩略图路径 //videoinfo.ThumbnailPath; //文件唯一标示 上传事件筛选需要上传的视频 //videoinfo.FileGuid; //文件存储路径 //videoinfo.VidePath; string colour = "#FFFFFF"; if (isColour == true) { colour = "#FFFFFF"; isColour = false; } else { colour = "#E6F1FF"; isColour = true; } string vis = "Visible"; string cos = "Collapsed"; if (!videoinfo.IsUpload) { vis = "Collapsed"; cos = "Visible"; } if (i <= Currpage * 16 && i > (Currpage - 1) * 16) { pageData.menuList.Add(new FileDirectoryModel() { SerialNumber = i, VideoName = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), Name = Common.system.FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath).Replace(".MP4", "").Replace(".FLV", "").Replace(".AVI", "").Trim(), FilePath = videoinfo.VideoPath.Replace(FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(videoinfo.VideoPath), "").Trim(), VideoDuration = 0, VideoSize = videoinfo.VideoSize, VideoTime = videoinfo.RSTime, IsEnabled = false, Path = videoinfo.VideoPath, Colour = colour, Visi = vis, Coll = cos, FileGuid = videoinfo.FileGuid, VideoType = videoinfo.VideoType.ToString() }); ; } i++; } APP.myloading.Hide(); } } /// /// 修改文件名 /// /// 唯一编号 /// 新文件名带后缀 不带路径 /// 错误信息 /// private bool ModifyPathName(string FileGuid, string NewName, out string Errmessage) { Errmessage = ""; foreach (Model_WKData WKData in APP.WKDataList) { if (WKData.VideoList.Exists(x => x.FileGuid == FileGuid)) { Model_Video model_Video = WKData.VideoList.Find(x => x.FileGuid == FileGuid); string filePathName = model_Video.VideoPath; string filePath = FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(filePathName); string newFilePathName = filePath + NewName; //缩略图 string ThumbnailPath = filePath + "ThumbnailPath/"; FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(ThumbnailPath); //缩略图存储位置 string ThumbnailPathName = ThumbnailPath + NewName.Replace(".", "") + ".JPG"; if (FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(newFilePathName)) { Errmessage = "文件已存在,请重新修改文件名!"; return false; } else { //修改文件名 FileToolsCommon.Copy(filePathName, newFilePathName); model_Video.VideoPath = newFilePathName; //修改缩略图名 FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(ThumbnailPathName); FileToolsCommon.Copy(model_Video.ThumbnailPath, ThumbnailPathName); model_Video.ThumbnailPath = ThumbnailPathName; APP.SaveWkData(); return true; } } else { continue; } } Errmessage = "视频文件有改动,当前文件不存在,请关闭后重新打开“我的”"; return false; } #endregion #region 新上传 显示缩略图 #region 初始值 /// /// 总页数 /// private int TotalPage = 0; /// /// 当前页 /// private int CurrentPage = 1; /// /// 每页显示的视频数 /// private int PageShowNum = 0; /// /// 视频信息列表 /// private List VideoControlList = new List(); /// /// 横向间隔 /// private double IntervalX = 0; /// /// 纵向间隔 /// private double IntervalY = 0; #endregion /// /// 初始化加载上传页面数据 /// private void LoadUploadInitData() { APP.myloading.Show(); //加载视频列表 LoadingVideoList(); if (model_VideoList.Count > 0) { lblVideoMess.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; BtnVideoUpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblVideoPageNum.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnVideoDownPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //根据页面大小获取每页显示的数量 H300W250 int videoRow = (int)((GridMyVideo.ActualHeight - 50) / 300); int videColumn = (int)(GridMyVideo.ActualWidth / 250); PageShowNum = (videoRow == 0 ? 1 : videoRow) * (videColumn == 0 ? 1 : videColumn); //获取总页数 TotalPage = model_VideoList.Count / PageShowNum + (model_VideoList.Count % PageShowNum > 0 ? 1 : 0); //如果当前页大于总页数 总页数为当前页 if (TotalPage < CurrentPage) { CurrentPage = TotalPage; } //横向间隔 IntervalX = (GridMyVideo.ActualWidth - (videColumn * 250)) / (videColumn + 1); IntervalY = (GridMyVideo.ActualHeight - 50 - (videoRow * 300)) / (videoRow + 1); LoadCurrentPageData(); } else { lblVideoMess.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnVideoUpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblVideoPageNum.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; BtnVideoDownPage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //隐藏显示的控件 if (VideoControlList.Count > 0) { foreach (Uc_VideoItem item in VideoControlList) { if (item.Visibility != Visibility.Hidden) { item.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } } } } APP.myloading.Hide(); } /// /// 加载当前页数据 /// private void LoadCurrentPageData() { lblVideoPageNum.Content = CurrentPage + "/" + TotalPage; //隐藏显示的控件 if (VideoControlList.Count > 0) { foreach (Uc_VideoItem item in VideoControlList) { if (item.Visibility != Visibility.Hidden) { item.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } } } double W = IntervalX;//每次增加250 double H = IntervalY;//每次增加300 //加载控件 for (int i = 0; i < PageShowNum; i++) { int DataIndex = (CurrentPage - 1) * PageShowNum + i; if (DataIndex == model_VideoList.Count) { return; } Uc_VideoItem videoItem; if (VideoControlList.Exists(x => x.Tag.ToString() == model_VideoList[DataIndex].FileGuid)) { videoItem = VideoControlList.Find(x => x.Tag.ToString() == model_VideoList[DataIndex].FileGuid); } else { if (!FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(model_VideoList[DataIndex].ThumbnailPath)) { continue; } videoItem = new Uc_VideoItem(model_VideoList[DataIndex]) { Tag = model_VideoList[DataIndex].FileGuid }; videoItem.Click_refreshVideoList += LoadUploadInitData; videoItem.Click_UploadLogin += Login; videoItem.Width = 250; videoItem.Height = 300; videoItem.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left; videoItem.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top; GridMyVideo.Children.Add(videoItem); VideoControlList.Add(videoItem); } videoItem.Margin = new Thickness(W, H, 0, 0); videoItem.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (W + 250 + 250 > GridMyVideo.ActualWidth) { W = IntervalX; H += 300 + IntervalY; } else { W += 250 + IntervalX; } //Uc_VideoItem videoItem = new Uc_VideoItem(); //return; } } #region 分页 /// /// 上一页 /// /// /// private void BtnVideoUpPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPage > 1) { CurrentPage--; LoadCurrentPageData(); } } /// /// 下一页 /// /// /// private void BtnVideoDownPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPage < TotalPage) { CurrentPage++; LoadCurrentPageData(); } } #endregion #endregion #region 录制窗口 #region 变量 /// /// 视频保存路径 /// //string RecordingPath; /// /// 图片保存路径 /// private string ImgPath; /// /// 音频保存路径名 /// private string AudioPathName; /// /// 视频保存路径名 /// private string VideoSavePathName; /// /// 视频合成路径名 /// private string VideoSynthesisPathName; ///// ///// 暂停录制 ///// //private bool IsSuspendR = true; /// /// 录制是否已停止 /// private bool IsFirstR = true; /// /// 图片 /// private List RsImgName = null; /// /// 是否开始截图计数 /// private bool IsStartCount = false; /// /// 是否录制了音频 /// private bool IsRecordAudio = false; /// /// 截图定时器 /// private System.Threading.Timer timer; /// /// 录制计时 /// private DateTime SRTime = DateTime.Now; /// /// 录制大小 /// private int gridActWidth = 1276; /// /// 录制大小 /// private int gridActHeight = 898; /// /// 录制类型 0停止中,1录制中,2暂停中 /// int RecordType = 0; #endregion #region 录屏 /// /// 录屏事件 /// /// /// private void BtnScreenRecording_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Record(); if (!APP.CheckScreenCapturerRecorder()) { MessageWindow.Show("使用此功能需安装环境,请在确定后依次点击“OK-Next>-Next>Install”完成安装!"); APP.InstallScreenCapturerRecorder(); return; } #region 限制只允许录制一个录屏 废弃 //string RecordScreenPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录屏." + ((Enum_VideoType)int.Parse(FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoType"))).ToString(); //if (FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(RecordScreenPathName)) //{ // MessageBoxResult dr = MessageWindow.Show("已存在录屏,是否覆盖?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); // if (dr == MessageBoxResult.OK) // { // try // { // FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(RecordScreenPathName); // APP.VideoList.RemoveAll(x => x.VideoPath == RecordScreenPathName); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【录屏】(BtnRecordingScreen_Click)无法移除视频," + ex.Message, ex); // } // } // else // { // return; // } //} #endregion k_hook.Stop(); if (APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow == null) { APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow = new ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow { Topmost = true }; APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Initialize(); } else { APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Initialize(); } APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Click_stopRecordingScreen += W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow_Click_stopRecordingScreen; //显示在右下角 APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual; Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero); float DIP = graphics.DpiX; float DIPY = graphics.DpiY; APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Left = PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / (DIP / 96) - APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Width + 10; APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Top = PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height / (DIP / 96) - APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Height - 30; APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Topmost = true; APP.W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow.Show(); Hide(); } /// /// 保存录屏中 /// private void W_ScreenRecordingToolbarWindow_Click_stopRecordingScreen() { txbTime_Black.Text = ""; txbTime.Text = ""; txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txbType.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txbType.Text = "保存中"; txbType_Black.Text = "保存中"; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = false; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { while (FileToolsCommon.IsExistDirectory(APP.WKData.WkPath + "temprs/")) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = true; txbType.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txbType_Black.Text = ""; //TxbRecordScreenWord.Text = "录屏"; }); }))).Start(); } #endregion private bool IsPressButton = false; /// /// 录制窗口内容 /// /// /// private void BtnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #region 防止连击 if (IsPressButton) { return; } else { IsPressButton = true; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { Thread.Sleep(500); IsPressButton = false; }))).Start(); } #endregion Record(); if (!APP.CheckScreenCapturerRecorder()) { MessageWindow.Show("使用此功能需安装环境,请在确定后依次点击“OK-Next>-Next>Install”完成安装!"); APP.InstallScreenCapturerRecorder(); return; } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { blackboard_canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { MessageWindow.Show("请先导入文档或截图!"); return; } if (RectImgBorder.Visibility != Visibility.Hidden) { HideAngleBorder(); } //btnStop.IsEnabled = true;//停止录制按钮可点击 if (RecordType == 0) { //停止中开始录制 RecordType = 1; #region 检测麦克风扬声器是否可用 string AudioPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("/temp/audio/"); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(AudioPath); string audioSpeakerPath = AudioPath + "adoS" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".m"; string audioMicrophonePath = AudioPath + "adoM" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".m"; try { FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(audioSpeakerPath); FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(audioMicrophonePath); } catch (Exception) { } //扬声器 if (APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordSpeakerAudio(audioSpeakerPath)) { APP.FFmpeg.StopRecordAudio(2); //Thread.Sleep(500); //麦克风 if (APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordAudio(audioMicrophonePath)) { } else { //无法录制麦克风 MessageBoxResult Res = MessageWindow.Show("当前电脑无法录制麦克风,是否继续?", "消息提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (Res == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } } APP.FFmpeg.StopRecordAudio(1); } else { //无法录制扬声器音频 MessageBoxResult Res = MessageWindow.Show("当前电脑无法录制音频,是否继续?", "消息提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (Res == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } } #endregion } else if (RecordType == 1) { //录制中暂停 RecordType = 2; } else if (RecordType == 2) { //暂停中继续录制 RecordType = 1; } new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { StartRecord(RecordType); }))).Start(); } /// /// 停止录制窗口内容 /// /// /// private void BtnStop_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #region 防止连击 if (IsPressButton) { return; } else { IsPressButton = true; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { Thread.Sleep(500); IsPressButton = false; }))).Start(); } #endregion if (RecordType != 0) { RecordType = 0; blackboard_canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { EndRecord(); }))).Start(); //鼠标模式 deviceMouse(); } } /// /// 设置录屏文件地址 /// private void SetUpVideoPathName() { } /// /// 开始录制和暂停录制 /// private void StartRecord(int Type) { if (Type == 1) { if (IsFirstR)//是否第一次录制 初始化录制 { //电子版切换笔模式 deviceHand(); VideoInfo = new Model_Video { VideoType = (Enum_VideoType)int.Parse(FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoType")), WkType = Enum_WKVidetype.RecordingLessons }; ImgPath = APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/Image/"; AudioPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/audio/"; FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/"); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(APP.WKData.WkPath); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(ImgPath); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(AudioPathName); AudioPathName += APP.WKData.WkName + ".MP3"; VideoSavePathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); VideoSynthesisPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制Syn." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); int num = 1; while (FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(VideoSavePathName)) { VideoSavePathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制_" + num + "." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); VideoSynthesisPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制Syn_" + num + "." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); num++; } #region 禁用按钮 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgImport.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可导入文档 ImgImportTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnImport.IsEnabled = false; btnImport_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgScreenRecording.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可录屏 ImgScreenRecordingTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可上传 ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnUpload.IsEnabled = false; btnUpload_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可设置 ImgSetUpTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnSetUp.IsEnabled = false; btnSetUp_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnDevice_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnLoginType.IsEnabled = false; btnLoginType_Black.IsEnabled = false; blackboard_canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//zxyceshi }); #endregion #region 设置录制大小 gridActWidth = (int)(GridMain.ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)); gridActHeight = (int)(GridMain.ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)); gridActWidth = gridActWidth % 2 > 0 ? gridActWidth - 1 : gridActWidth; gridActHeight = gridActHeight % 2 > 0 ? gridActHeight - 1 : gridActHeight; #endregion #region 录像倒计时 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (APP.W_CountdownWindow == null) { APP.W_CountdownWindow = new CountdownWindow(); APP.W_CountdownWindow.Initialize(); //APP.W_CountdownWindow.Topmost = true; } else { APP.W_CountdownWindow.Initialize(); //APP.W_CountdownWindow.Topmost = true; } APP.W_CountdownWindow.Show(); }); #endregion IsFirstR = false; RsImgName = new List(); SRTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-01-01 00:00:00"); ///启动截图 timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(Timer_Elapsed), null, 0, 20); } //继续录制 //IsSuspendR = false; //BtnRecording.Content = "暂停录制"; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ImgRecord.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/microLessonSystem_23.png")); TxbRecordingWord.Text = "暂停"; txbType_Black.Text = "准备录制"; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = true; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }); try { Thread.Sleep(1000); IsRecordAudio = APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordingAudio(AudioPathName, out string ErrMessage); Thread.Sleep(1000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { txbType_Black.Text = "正在录制"; if (!IsRecordAudio) { MessageWindow.Show(ErrMessage); } Recorddt = DateTime.Now; IsStartCount = true; //Stack(); //timer.Start(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); } } else if (Type == 2) { //暂停 //IsSuspendR = true; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ImgRecord.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/microLessonSystem_14.png")); ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; TxbRecordingWord.Text = "继续"; txbType_Black.Text = "暂停中"; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); //TimeOut(); #region 2秒内不可点击 //new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => //{ Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = false; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; }); Thread.Sleep(2000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = true; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = true; }); //}))).Start(); #endregion try { APP.FFmpeg.SuspendFFmpeg(); //new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => //{ while (APP.FFmpeg.myProcess != null) { Thread.Sleep(100); } IsStartCount = false; //}))).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); }); } } } /// /// 开始录制和暂停录制 /// private void StartRecordOld(int Type) { if (Type == 1) { if (IsFirstR)//是否第一次录制 初始化录制 { #region 检测麦克风扬声器是否可用 string AudioPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("/temp/audio/"); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(AudioPath); string audioSpeakerPath = AudioPath + "adoS" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".m"; string audioMicrophonePath = AudioPath + "adoM" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".m"; try { FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(audioSpeakerPath); FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(audioMicrophonePath); } catch (Exception) { } //扬声器 if (APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordSpeakerAudio(audioSpeakerPath)) { APP.FFmpeg.StopRecordAudio(2); //Thread.Sleep(500); //麦克风 if (APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordAudio(audioMicrophonePath)) { } else { //无法录制麦克风 MessageBoxResult Res = MessageWindow.Show("当前电脑无法录制麦克风,是否继续?", "消息提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (Res == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } } APP.FFmpeg.StopRecordAudio(1); } else { //无法录制扬声器音频 MessageBoxResult Res = MessageWindow.Show("当前电脑无法录制音频,是否继续?", "消息提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (Res == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } } #endregion //电子版切换笔模式 deviceHand(); txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; VideoInfo = new Model_Video { VideoType = (Enum_VideoType)int.Parse(FileToolsCommon.GetConfigValue("VideoType")), WkType = Enum_WKVidetype.RecordingLessons }; ImgPath = APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/Image/"; AudioPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/audio/"; FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(APP.WKData.WkPath + "temp/"); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(APP.WKData.WkPath); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(ImgPath); FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(AudioPathName); AudioPathName += APP.WKData.WkName + ".MP3"; VideoSavePathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); VideoSynthesisPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制Syn." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); int num = 1; while (FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(VideoSavePathName)) { VideoSavePathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制_" + num + "." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); VideoSynthesisPathName = APP.WKData.WkPath + APP.WKData.WkName + "_录制Syn_" + num + "." + VideoInfo.VideoType.ToString(); num++; } #region 设置录屏唯一 废弃 //if (FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(VideoSavePathName)) //{ // MessageBoxResult dr = MessageWindow.Show("课程已录制,是否覆盖?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); // if (dr == MessageBoxResult.OK) // { // try // { // FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(VideoSavePathName); // APP.VideoList.RemoveAll(x => x.VideoPath == VideoSavePathName); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【录制】(StartRecord)无法移除视频," + ex.Message, ex); // } // } // else // { // return; // } //} #endregion #region 禁用按钮 ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可打印 ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgImport.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可导入文档 ImgImportTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnImport.IsEnabled = false; btnImport_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgScreenRecording.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可录屏 ImgScreenRecordingTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可上传 ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnUpload.IsEnabled = false; btnUpload_Black.IsEnabled = false; ImgSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//录制中不可设置 ImgSetUpTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnSetUp.IsEnabled = false; btnSetUp_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnDevice_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnLoginType.IsEnabled = false; btnLoginType_Black.IsEnabled = false; blackboard_canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//zxyceshi //myblackboard = new BlackboardNew(blackboard_canvas); //DataContext = APP.pageData; //drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(); ////将 InkCanvas 的 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性的值赋成创建的 DrawingAttributes 类的对象的引用 ////InkCanvas 通过 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性来获取墨迹的各种设置,该属性的类型为 DrawingAttributes 型 //blackboard_canvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes = drawingAttributes; //blackboard_canvas.UseCustomCursor = true; //drawingAttributes.FitToCurve = true; //drawingAttributes.IgnorePressure = false; //drawingAttributes.Width = PenSize; //drawingAttributes.Height = PenSize; //drawingAttributes.Color = Color; //blackboard_canvas.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Pen; #endregion #region 设置录制大小 //gridActWidth = (int)GridMain.ActualWidth==0?1276: (int)GridMain.ActualWidth; //gridActHeight = (int)GridMain.ActualHeight==0?898: (int)GridMain.ActualHeight; gridActWidth = (int)(GridMain.ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)); gridActHeight = (int)(GridMain.ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)); gridActWidth = gridActWidth % 2 > 0 ? gridActWidth - 1 : gridActWidth; gridActHeight = gridActHeight % 2 > 0 ? gridActHeight - 1 : gridActHeight; #endregion #region 录像倒计时 if (APP.W_CountdownWindow == null) { APP.W_CountdownWindow = new CountdownWindow(); APP.W_CountdownWindow.Initialize(); //APP.W_CountdownWindow.Topmost = true; } else { APP.W_CountdownWindow.Initialize(); //APP.W_CountdownWindow.Topmost = true; } APP.W_CountdownWindow.Show(); #endregion IsFirstR = false; RsImgName = new List(); SRTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-01-01 00:00:00"); txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ///启动截图 timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(Timer_Elapsed), null, 0, 20); //{ // AutoReset = true//设置是否执行System.Timers.Timer.Elapsed事件 //};//设置执行一次(false)还是一直执行(true) //timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(Timer_Elapsed); //timer.Enabled = true; //启动计时器 } //继续录制 //IsSuspendR = false; //BtnRecording.Content = "暂停录制"; ImgRecord.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/microLessonSystem_23.png")); TxbRecordingWord.Text = "暂停"; txbType_Black.Text = "准备录制"; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; #region 4秒内不可点击 //new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => //{ // Dispatcher.Invoke(() => // { // BtnRecord.IsEnabled = false; // btnStop.IsEnabled = false; // ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // }); //}))).Start(); new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { //Thread.Sleep(4000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = true; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }); }))).Start(); #endregion try { new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000); IsRecordAudio = APP.FFmpeg.StartRecordingAudio(AudioPathName, out string ErrMessage); Thread.Sleep(1000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { txbType_Black.Text = "正在录制"; if (!IsRecordAudio) { MessageWindow.Show(ErrMessage); } Recorddt = DateTime.Now; IsStartCount = true; //Stack(); //timer.Start(); }); }))).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); } } else if (Type == 2) { //暂停 //IsSuspendR = true; ImgRecord.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/microLessonSystem_14.png")); ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; TxbRecordingWord.Text = "继续"; txbType_Black.Text = "暂停中"; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //TimeOut(); #region 2秒内不可点击 new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = false; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; }); Thread.Sleep(2000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = true; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = true; }); }))).Start(); #endregion try { APP.FFmpeg.SuspendFFmpeg(); new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { while (APP.FFmpeg.myProcess != null) { Thread.Sleep(100); } IsStartCount = false; }))).Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); } } } /// /// 记录上次截图时间 /// private DateTime Recorddt = DateTime.Now; /// /// 录制保存图片计时器 /// /// private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender) { if (IsStartCount) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(Recorddt);//时间差 double tsmi = ts.TotalMilliseconds; if (tsmi > 200.0) { Recorddt = Recorddt.AddMilliseconds(200); Thread thread = new Thread(RecordSaveImage); //开启线程 thread.Start(); } } } /// /// 录制保存图片 /// private void RecordSaveImage() { try { if (IsStartCount) { string FilePathName = ImgPath + RsImgName.Count + ".png"; RsImgName.Add(FilePathName); #region 设置大小 double RsW = (int)(GridMain.ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)); double RsH = (int)(GridMain.ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)); if (RsW > 1266) { double Proportion = RsH / RsW; RsW = 1266; RsH = RsW * Proportion; RsH = ((int)RsH) % 2 > 0 ? (int)RsH - 1 : (int)RsH; //RsH = 898; } #endregion //System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, new ThreadStart(delegate //{ //})); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //保存图片 ImageHelper.SaveUI(GridMain, FilePathName, gridActWidth, gridActHeight, (int)RsW, (int)RsH); //ImageHelper.SaveUIToImage(GridMain, FilePathName, gridActWidth, gridActHeight, (int)RsW, (int)RsH); //ImageHelper.SaveUIToImage(GridMain, FilePathName, (int)(GridMain.ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)), (int)(GridMain.ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)), 0, 0); //ImageHelper.SaveUIToImage(GridMain, FilePathName, (int)(ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)), (int)(ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)), (int)RsW, (int)RsH); //ImageHelper.SaveUIToImage(GridMain, FilePathName, (int)(ActualWidth * (PrimaryScreen.DpiX / 96f)), (int)(ActualHeight * (PrimaryScreen.DpiY / 96f)), 1281, 1026); SRTime = SRTime.AddMilliseconds(200); if (txbTime.Visibility == Visibility.Hidden) { txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } if (SRTime.Hour > 0) { //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ txbTime.Text = SRTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); txbTime_Black.Text = SRTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //}); } else { //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ txbTime.Text = SRTime.ToString("mm:ss"); txbTime_Black.Text = SRTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //}); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【录制】(Timer_Elapsed)生成图片错误:" + ex.Message, ex); } } /// /// 停止录制并生成录制文件 /// private void EndRecord() { if (!IsFirstR) { #region 恢复被禁用的按钮 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ImgPrint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgPrintTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgImport.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgImportTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnImport.IsEnabled = true; btnImport_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgScreenRecording.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenRecordingTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnUpload.IsEnabled = true; btnUpload_Black.IsEnabled = true; ImgSetUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgSetUpTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnSetUp.IsEnabled = true; btnSetUp_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnDevice_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnLoginType.IsEnabled = true; btnLoginType_Black.IsEnabled = true; //btnStop.IsEnabled = false;//停止录制按钮不可点击 }); #endregion //IsSuspendR = true; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ImgRecord.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/microLessonSystem_14.png")); ImgStop.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgStopTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); try { #region 清空画板数据 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { APP.pageData.currpage = 0; APP.pageData.pagenum = 0; myblackboard.clear(); APP.PageDrawList.Clear(); imgCanvas.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = null; gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); #endregion //根据录制时间长度确定是否保存 if (SRTime.Hour > 0 || SRTime.Minute > 0 || SRTime.Second > 3) { #region 2秒内不可点击 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = false; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = false; }); #endregion //缩略图 string ThumbnailPath = FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(VideoSavePathName) + "ThumbnailPath/"; FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(ThumbnailPath); //缩略图存储位置 string ThumbnailPathName = ThumbnailPath + FileToolsCommon.GetIOFileName(VideoSavePathName).Replace(".", "") + ".JPG"; APP.FFmpeg.StopFFmpeg(AudioPathName); IsStartCount = false; //停止截图 while (APP.FFmpeg.myProcess != null) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { timer.Change(-1, 0); timer.Dispose(); //End(); txbTime_Black.Text = ""; txbTime.Text = ""; txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txbType.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txbType.Text = "保存中"; txbType_Black.Text = "保存中"; }); //new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => //{ //判断音频是否存在 判断音频临时文件夹是否存在 if (IsRecordAudio) { if (!FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(AudioPathName)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (FileToolsCommon.IsExistDirectory(FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(AudioPathName) + "temp/")) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { //没有录制音频 AudioPathName = null; } //合成视频 bool SynRes = APP.FFmpeg.SynthesisVideo(ImgPath, AudioPathName, VideoSynthesisPathName, 5, gridActWidth, gridActHeight, out string ErrMessage); //}))).Start(); //new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => //{ if (!SynRes) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show("录制失败," + ErrMessage); BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = true; TxbRecordingWord.Text = "录制"; txbType.Text = ""; txbType_Black.Text = ""; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); return; } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { txbType.Text = "转码中"; txbType_Black.Text = "转码中"; }); while (!FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(VideoSynthesisPathName)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } while (FileToolsCommon.IsExistDirectory(FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(VideoSynthesisPathName) + "temp/")) { Thread.Sleep(100); } FileToolsCommon.DeleteFile(ThumbnailPathName); VideoInfo.RSTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Thread.Sleep(500); //VideoInfo.VideoSize = FileToolsCommon.GetFileSizeByMB(VideoSavePathName).ToString() + " MB"; VideoInfo.VideoPath = VideoSavePathName; VideoInfo.ThumbnailPath = ThumbnailPathName; //生成缩略图 bool ThuRes = APP.FFmpeg.GenerateThumbnails(VideoSynthesisPathName, ThumbnailPathName, 200, 130); Thread.Sleep(500); APP.FFmpeg.VideoTranscode(VideoSynthesisPathName, VideoSavePathName, gridActWidth, gridActHeight); VideoInfo.FileGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); VideoInfo.IsUpload = false; VideoInfo.Uploaded = 0; //VideoInfo.Savefolder = APP.UserInfo.Schoolid + "/resource"; if (!APP.VideoList.Exists(x => x.FileGuid == VideoInfo.FileGuid) || !APP.VideoList.Exists(x => x.VideoPath == VideoInfo.VideoPath)) { APP.VideoList.Add(VideoInfo); //保存数据 APP.SaveWkData(); } IsFirstR = true; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = true; TxbRecordingWord.Text = "录制"; txbType.Text = ""; txbType_Black.Text = ""; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); } else { APP.FFmpeg.SuspendFFmpeg(); IsStartCount = false; timer.Change(-1, 0); timer.Dispose(); IsFirstR = true; IsStartCount = false; //停止截图 while (APP.FFmpeg.myProcess != null) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BtnRecord.IsEnabled = true; BtnRecord_Black.IsEnabled = true; btnStop.IsEnabled = false; btnStop_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; btnPrint_Black.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenRecording.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenRecording_Black.IsEnabled = true; MessageWindow.Show("录制时间过短,请重新录制!"); TxbRecordingWord.Text = "录制"; txbType.Text = ""; txbType_Black.Text = ""; BtnRecord_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BtnRecordSuspend_Black.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; txbTime_Black.Text = ""; txbTime.Text = ""; txbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }); } //List VideoList } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); }); } } } #endregion #region 登录 /// /// 登录事件 /// /// /// private void BtnLoginType_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ("未登录".Equals(txbLoginType.Text) || ImgHeadImgN.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Login(); } else { MessageBoxResult dr = MessageWindow.Show("确定退出登录?", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (dr == MessageBoxResult.OK) { LoginType(); Login(); } } } /// /// 登录 /// private void Login() { if (APP.W_LoginWindow == null) { APP.W_LoginWindow = new LoginWindow { WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner, Owner = this }; } else { APP.W_LoginWindow.Initialize(); } APP.W_LoginWindow.ShowDialog(); if (APP.IsLoginType) { txbLoginType.Text = APP.UserInfo.Username; ImgHeadImgN.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ImgHeadImg.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //txbLoginType_Black.Text = APP.UserInfo.Username; //APP.UserInfo.Userphone //ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { txbLoginType.Text = "未登录"; ImgHeadImgN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgHeadImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //txbLoginType_Black.Text = "未登录"; //ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } /// /// 状态更改为未登录 /// private void LoginType() { APP.IsLoginType = false; txbLoginType.Text = "未登录"; ImgHeadImgN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgHeadImg.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //txbLoginType_Black.Text = "未登录"; APP.UserInfo = new Model_UserInfo(); //ImgUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //ImgUploadTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } #endregion #region 分页 /// 上一页 /// /// /// private void last_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (APP.pageData.currpage > 1) { mouseDown = false; HideAngleBorder(); //隐藏跳转 //txbCurrpage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //txtJump.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //BtnJumpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //if(!APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation) //{ // ImgWG(); //} APP.pageData.currpage -= 1; JumpPageClick(); } } /// /// 下一页 /// /// /// private void next_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (APP.pageData.currpage < APP.pageData.pagenum) { mouseDown = false; HideAngleBorder(); //隐藏跳转 //txbCurrpage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //txtJump.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //BtnJumpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //if (!APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation) //{ // ImgWG(); //} APP.pageData.currpage += 1; JumpPageClick(); } } /// /// 跳转 /// void JumpPageClick() { myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); if (btnImport.IsEnabled || btnImport_Black.IsEnabled) { ///截图可用 ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = true; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = true; } if (APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count) { if (APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation != null) { APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbCurrpage.Text) && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count && APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)) { if (APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImgDocumentation) { if ("ppt".Equals(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].Type)) { imgCanvas.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgPPT.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; } else { imgPPT.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; btnScreenshot_Black.IsEnabled = false; } //imgCanvas.Source = null; //imgDocumentation.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); //ImgScreenshot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;//当前页为导入时不可截图 //ImgScreenshotTwo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //btnScreenshot.IsEnabled = false; } else { imgPPT.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; if (APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation != null && APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.X > 0) { //var group = IMG.FindResource("Imageview") as TransformGroup; //#region 高低 缩放比例 //if (APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize != null) //{ // var transform1 = group.Children[0] as ScaleTransform; // transform1.ScaleX = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize.ScaleX; // transform1.ScaleY = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize.ScaleY; // imgCanvas.Width = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes.CenterX; // imgCanvas.Height = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes.CenterY; //} //#endregion //#region 坐标XY轴 //var transform = group.Children[1] as TranslateTransform; //transform.X = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.X; //transform.Y = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.Y; //#endregion mouseDown = false; ImgXY(); } } } else { imgPPT.Source = null; imgCanvas.Source = null; imgDocumentation.Source = null; } #region 修改跳转页码 CbxPageList.SelectedIndex = APP.pageData.currpage - 1; #endregion } } private void ImgXY() { imgCanvas.Width = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes.CenterX; imgCanvas.Height = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes.CenterY; imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.X, APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.Y, 0, 0); //imgCanvas.Margin.Left= APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.X; //transform.Y = APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation.Y; } private void ImgWG() { mouseDown = false; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = imgCanvas.Margin.Left, Y = imgCanvas.Margin.Top }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.ActualWidth, CenterY = imgCanvas.ActualHeight }; } #endregion #region 图像缩放,移动 private bool mouseDown; private System.Windows.Point mouseXY; private void IMG1_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ContentControl img = sender as ContentControl; if (img == null) { return; } img.CaptureMouse(); mouseDown = true; mouseXY = e.GetPosition(img); //Console.WriteLine("mouseXY.X = " + mouseXY.X + "; mouseXY.Y = " + mouseXY.Y); } private void IMG1_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ContentControl img = sender as ContentControl; if (img == null) { return; } img.ReleaseMouseCapture(); mouseDown = false; } private void IMG1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e) { ContentControl img = sender as ContentControl; if (img == null) { return; } if (mouseDown) { Domousemove(img, e); } } /// /// x y轴 /// /// /// private void Domousemove(ContentControl img, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.LeftButton != MouseButtonState.Pressed) { return; } if (APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation != null && APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation) { return; } TransformGroup group = IMG.FindResource("Imageview") as TransformGroup; TranslateTransform transform = group.Children[1] as TranslateTransform; System.Windows.Point position = e.GetPosition(img); transform.X -= mouseXY.X - position.X; transform.Y -= mouseXY.Y - position.Y; mouseXY = position; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = transform.X, Y = transform.Y }; //APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; } private void IMG1_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e) { ContentControl img = sender as ContentControl; if (img == null) { return; } System.Windows.Point point = e.GetPosition(img); //Console.WriteLine("point.X = " + point.X + "; point.Y=" + point.Y); System.Windows.Point PicLocate = e.GetPosition(imgCanvas); //Console.WriteLine("PicEmap.X = " + PicLocate.X + "; PicEmap.Y=" + PicLocate.Y); TransformGroup group = IMG.FindResource("Imageview") as TransformGroup; double delta = e.Delta * 0.001; DowheelZoom(group, point, delta); } private void DowheelZoom(TransformGroup group, System.Windows.Point point, double delta) { System.Windows.Point pointToContent = group.Inverse.Transform(point); ScaleTransform transform = group.Children[0] as ScaleTransform; if (transform.ScaleX + delta < 0.1) { return; } transform.ScaleX += delta; transform.ScaleY += delta; TranslateTransform transform1 = group.Children[1] as TranslateTransform; transform1.X = -1 * ((pointToContent.X * transform.ScaleX) - point.X); transform1.Y = -1 * ((pointToContent.Y * transform.ScaleY) - point.Y); //LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("【img宽高】" + imgCanvas.ActualWidth.ToString() + ":" // + imgCanvas.ActualHeight.ToString() + "百分比:" + transform.ScaleX.ToString() + ":" + transform.ScaleY.ToString() // ); //Console.WriteLine("transform.ScaleX = " + transform.ScaleX + "; transform.ScaleY = " + transform.ScaleY); //APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize = new ScaleTransform(); //APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize.ScaleX = transform.ScaleX; //APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSize.ScaleY = transform.ScaleY; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = transform1.X, Y = transform1.Y }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.ActualWidth, CenterY = imgCanvas.ActualHeight }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; } #endregion #region 点阵笔相关 #region 值初始化 // 不同尺寸点阵纸点阵宽高尺寸计算方法为:纸张物理尺寸(毫米)/0.3 *8,详见 开发必读.pdf 文档 /// /// A4点阵纸点阵宽度 /// private const int A4_WIDTH = 5600; /// /// A4点阵纸点阵高度 /// private const int A4_HEIGHT = 7920; ///// ///// 画板 ///// //private Graphics graphics; /// /// 笔画坐标数组 /// //private List stroke; /// /// 笔序列号 /// private string penSerial; /// /// 笔是否在点 /// private bool isPenDown; //当前点阵地址 private string currentPageSerial = string.Empty; //不同点阵地址对应的笔迹绘制图片,用于实现在不同点阵地址书写切换时,显示书写内容自动切换 //本例图片放在内存中存储,对于大量或者需要在多个点阵地址对应图片进行切换演示,建议将图片存储到文件,以免内存溢出 private Dictionary pagesDic = new Dictionary(); #endregion public void InitPen() { //stroke = new List(); //获取点阵笔实例,并绑定点阵笔事件 //将授权文件内容传入,获取点阵笔对象实例 APP.digitalPen = DigitalPenHID.GetInstance(certificates.MyLicense.Bytes); //绑定笔连接事件 APP.digitalPen.PenConnected += OnPenConnect; //绑定笔断开事件 APP.digitalPen.PenDisconnect += OnPenDisconnect; //绑定笔书写输出坐标事件 APP.digitalPen.PenCoordinate += OnPenCoordinate; //绑定抬笔事件 APP.digitalPen.PenUp += OnPenUp; //绑定落笔事件 APP.digitalPen.PenDown += OnPenDown; APP.digitalPen.PenBatteryCapacity += OnBatteryCapacity; APP.digitalPen.PenMemoryFillLevel += OnMemoryFillLevel; //完成初始化点阵笔,开始与点阵笔通信 ERROR_CODE ER = APP.digitalPen.Start(); ////绑定笔在新的点阵地址页面书写事件 //APP.digitalPen.PenNewPage += APP.digitalPen_OnPenNewPage; ////绑定笔信息事件 //APP.digitalPen.PenInfo += APP.digitalPen_OnPenInfo; //启动接收笔数据,完成初始化工作 ERROR_CODE rc = APP.digitalPen.Start(); //判断是否成功 if (ER != ERROR_CODE.ERROR_OK) { MessageWindow.Show("初始化失败,授权过期,返回值:" + ER.ToString()); } } /// /// 落笔 /// /// 时间戳,1970年1月1日到现在的总毫秒数 /// 点阵笔序列号 /// 点阵笔型号编号 private void OnPenDown(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnPenDown); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType }); } else { //labPenSerial.Text = penSerial; //labPenStatus.Text = "PenDown"; isPenDown = true; //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => //{ // for (int i = 0; i < APP.PageDrawList.Count; i++) // { // if (APP.PageDrawList[i].PageCode == penSerial) // { // if (i < APP.pageData.pagenum) // { // if (i < APP.pageData.currpage) // { // int num = APP.pageData.currpage - i; // APP.pageData.currpage -= num; // myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); // if (APP.PageDrawList.Count > 0) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbCurrpage.Text) && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count && APP.pageData.currpage > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)) // { // //imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.Paths[APP.pageData.currpage - 1]));//cs // imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); // } // else // { // imgCanvas.Source = null; // } // } // } // else // { // int num = i - APP.pageData.currpage; // APP.pageData.currpage += num; // myblackboard.changepage(APP.pageData.currpage - 1); // if (APP.PageDrawList.Count > 0) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txbCurrpage.Text) && APP.pageData.currpage <= APP.PageDrawList.Count && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)) // { // //imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.Paths[APP.pageData.currpage-1])); // imgCanvas.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].PageImagePath)); // } // else // { // imgCanvas.Source = null; // } // } // } // } // return; // } // } // //myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true); // //myblackboard.changepaget(0, 0, true, blackboard_canvas); //})); } //myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true); } /// /// 抬笔 /// /// 时间戳,1970年1月1日到现在的总毫秒数 /// 点阵笔序列号 /// 点阵笔型号编号 private void OnPenUp(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnPenUp); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType }); } else { isPenDown = false; APP.PenSerial = penSerial; //int leftPoints = stroke.Count % 3; //if (0 != leftPoints) //{ // int from = stroke.Count - leftPoints - 1; // if (from < 0) // from = 0; // int to = stroke.Count - 1; // DrawCoordinates(from, to); //} //stroke.Clear(); } if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, 0); })); } } /// /// 笔断开 /// /// 时间戳,1970年1月1日到现在的总毫秒数 /// 点阵笔序列号 /// 点阵笔型号编号 private void OnPenDisconnect(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnPenDisconnect); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType }); } else { APP.PenSerial = penSerial; APP.PenStatus = false; UpdateDevStatus(); //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => //{ // txbNotConnected.Text = "未连接"; // txbNotConnecteds.Text = "未连接"; //})); } } /// /// 笔连接 /// /// 时间戳,1970年1月1日到现在的总毫秒数 /// 点阵笔序列号 /// 点阵笔型号编号 private void OnPenConnect(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnPenConnect); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType }); } else { APP.PenSerial = penSerial; APP.PenStatus = true; this.penSerial = penSerial; //连接后,在获取笔数据前,可以清除笔内的历史数据 //APP.digitalPen.ClearMemory(penSerial); //开始接收笔数据 APP.digitalPen.GetPenData(penSerial); UpdateDevStatus(); //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => //{ // txbNotConnected.Text = "已连接"; // txbNotConnecteds.Text = "已连接"; //})); } } /// /// 电池电量 /// /// /// /// /// private void OnBatteryCapacity(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType, byte capacity) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnBatteryCapacity); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType, capacity }); } else { //System.Windows.MessageWindow.Show("电池电量:" + capacity.ToString()); } } /// /// 已用存储 /// /// /// /// /// private void OnMemoryFillLevel(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType, byte fillLevel) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action action = new Action(OnMemoryFillLevel); Dispatcher.Invoke(action, new object[] { time, penSerial, penType, fillLevel }); } else { //System.Windows.MessageWindow.Show("存储:" + fillLevel.ToString()); } } /// /// 笔书写,收到坐标 /// /// 时间戳,1970年1月1日到现在的总毫秒数 /// 点阵笔序列号 /// 点阵笔型号编号 /// 点阵地址 /// x坐标 /// y坐标 /// 压力值 private void OnPenCoordinate(ulong time, string penSerial, int penType, string pageSerial, int cx, int cy, byte force) { if (CheckAccess()) { Action ac = new Action(OnPenCoordinate); Dispatcher.Invoke(ac, new object[] { time, pageSerial, penType, pageSerial, cx, cy, force }); } else { //判断是否是落笔后输出的坐标,在设置悬浮模式下,落笔前的悬浮坐标不绘制 if (!isPenDown) { return; } //stroke.Add(new System.Drawing.Point(cx, cy)); double PropW = blackboard_canvas.ActualWidth / A4_WIDTH; double PropH = blackboard_canvas.ActualHeight / A4_HEIGHT; //点 double tempX = cx * PropW; double tempY = cy * PropH; //pageSerial //点阵IP地址 与打印的页面关联 if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { float Pressure = force / 100f; //myblackboard.changepages(testX, testY,false); myblackboard.changepages(tempX, tempY, false, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, Pressure); #region 设置滚动条位置 //点在显示页面上方 if (tempY < scroMain.VerticalOffset) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向上滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double UpRoll = (RollCurrentLocation - tempY) + (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation - UpRoll; if (RollLocation < 0) { RollLocation = 0; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollCurrentLocation - RollLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } //点在显示页面下方 if (tempY > scroMain.VerticalOffset + scroMain.ActualHeight) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向下滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double DownRoll = (tempY - RollCurrentLocation) - (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation + DownRoll; //滚动条最大滚动值 double ScrollbarMaxNum = gridM.ActualHeight - scroMain.ActualHeight; if (RollLocation > ScrollbarMaxNum) { RollLocation = ScrollbarMaxNum; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollLocation-RollCurrentLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } #endregion //gridM.Height //A4高度 //scroMain.VerticalOffset;//获取滚动条位置 //scroMain.ActualHeight//A4纸显示高度 //scroMain.ScrollToHorizontalOffset()//设置滚动条位置 //Mouse.GetPosition(this) if (tempX > 0 && tempY > 0) { //System.Windows.Point getP = blackboard_canvas.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(testX, testY)); System.Windows.Point getP = scroMain.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(tempX, tempY - scroMain.VerticalOffset)); SetCursorPos((int)getP.X, (int)getP.Y); } })); } ////每3个点画一条曲线 //if (stroke.Count % 3 == 0) //{ // int from = stroke.Count - 3 - 1; // if (from < 0) // from = 0; // int to = stroke.Count - 1; // DrawCoordinates(from, to); //} } } /// /// 停止笔 /// public void StopDigitalPen() { //停止,释放资源 APP.digitalPen.Stop(); } /// /// 清空笔内存储 /// public void ClearPenStorage() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(penSerial)) { APP.digitalPen.ClearMemory(penSerial); } } /// /// 获取剩余电量 /// public void GetPenElectricityQuantity() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(penSerial)) { APP.digitalPen.GetBatteryCapacity(penSerial); } } /// /// 获取存储空间 /// public void GetUsedStorage() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(penSerial)) { APP.digitalPen.GetMemoryFillLevel(penSerial); } } /// /// 开启悬浮 /// public void 开启悬浮() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(penSerial)) { APP.digitalPen.SetPenHoverMode(true, penSerial); } } /// /// 关闭悬浮 /// public void 关闭悬浮() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(penSerial)) { APP.digitalPen.SetPenHoverMode(false, penSerial); } } /// /// 引用user32.dll动态链接库(windows api), /// 使用库中定义 API:SetCursorPos /// 设置光标位置 /// [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern int SetCursorPos(int x, int y); #endregion #region 写字板模式 #region 值初始化 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)] public static extern void OutputDebugString(string message); public bool usbIsConnected = false; //Angle angle = Angle._270; eDeviceType deviceType = eDeviceType.Unknow; ///// ///// 点缩放比例 ///// //private double m_nCompress = 0; //private double m_nCompress_x = 0; //private double m_nCompress_y = 0; ///// ///// 0:画布根据板子适配 ///// 1:板子根据画布适配 ///// //private int type = 1;//默认画笔根据板子适配 //bool bScreenO = false;//判断是否是横屏,默认横屏,true:横屏幕;false:竖屏 //Drawing drawing; //List plist = new List(); //画布宽高 //private int m_nDeviceW = 21000; //private int m_nDeviceH = 29700; private int m_nDeviceW = 22600; private int m_nDeviceH = 16650; private RobotpenGateway.robotpenController.returnPointData date = null; //private int nResource = 0; //private ReportRate RR = ReportRate.R_200; //string Mac = string.Empty; //int Recog_create = 0; //int Recog_adddate = 0; //int Recog_start = 0; public bool isOpen = true; //PrintType ptype = PrintType.NoMarkCode_FB2; //int pageData = 0; //bool AreSynchronized = false; /// /// 是否为笔模式 /// bool IsPen = false; bool IsT8 = true; #endregion #region 罗博智慧笔 /// /// 笔模式 /// private void deviceHand() { IsPen = true; if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("切换笔模式:设备类型:{0}", deviceType.ToString())); } if (deviceType == eDeviceType.T8B_D2 || deviceType == eDeviceType.T8Y || deviceType == eDeviceType.T8S_LQ) { IsT8 = true; robotpenController.GetInstance().setDeviceMode(eDeviceMode.DEVICE_HAND); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("使用robotpenController.GetInstance().setDeviceMode(eDeviceMode.DEVICE_HAND)切换"); } } else { IsT8 = false; //获取当前设备模式,根据模式切换鼠标和笔 robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SearchMode); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("发送(cmdId.SearchMode)"); } } } /// /// 鼠标模式 /// private void deviceMouse() { IsPen = false; if (deviceType == eDeviceType.T8B_D2 || deviceType == eDeviceType.T8Y || deviceType == eDeviceType.T8S_LQ) { IsT8 = true; robotpenController.GetInstance().setDeviceMode(eDeviceMode.DEVICE_MOUSE); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("使用robotpenController.GetInstance().setDeviceMode(eDeviceMode.DEVICE_MOUSE)切换"); } } else { IsT8 = false; //获取当前设备模式,根据模式切换鼠标和笔 robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SearchMode); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("发送(cmdId.SearchMode)"); } } } private void Form1_searchModeEvt(int modeType) { //笔模式 if (modeType == 1) { if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("当前为笔模式时,切换回鼠标模式"); } //当前为笔模式时 切换回鼠标模式 if (!IsPen && !IsT8) { robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("T7设备切换成鼠标模式._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode)"); } } } else { if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("当前为鼠标模式 切换为笔模式"); } //当前为鼠标模式 切换为笔模式 if (isOpen && !IsT8) { robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("T7设备切换成笔模式._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode)"); } } } } private void Form1_switchModeEvt(int modeType) { if (modeType == 1) { if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("当前为笔模式"); } if (!IsPen) { deviceMouse(); } ////当前为笔模式时 切换回鼠标模式 //if (!IsPen && !IsT8) //{ // robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode); // if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) // { // LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("T7设备切换成鼠标模式._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode)"); // } //} } else { if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("当前为鼠标模式"); } if (IsPen) { deviceHand(); } ////当前为鼠标模式 切换为笔模式 //if (isOpen && !IsT8) //{ // robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode); // if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) // { // LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("T7设备切换成笔模式._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode)"); // } //} } } //初始化笔服务 private void InitlbPen() { try { robotpenController.GetInstance()._ConnectInitialize(eDeviceType.Gateway, IntPtr.Zero); robotpenController.GetInstance().deviceChangeEvt += new robotpenController.DeviceChange(Form1_deviceChangeEvt); robotpenController.GetInstance().searchModeEvt += Form1_searchModeEvt; robotpenController.GetInstance().switchModeEvt += Form1_switchModeEvt; //robotpenController.GetInstance().deviceChangeEvt += new robotpenController.DeviceChange(Form1_deviceChangeEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().gatewatVersionEvt += Form1_gatewatVersionEvt; //robotpenController.GetInstance().nodeStatusEvt += Form1_nodeStatusEvt; //// 所有设备均注册该页码显示消息 目前只有T9设备才会有页码识别功能, 客户代码可以根据设备来判断是否消费该事件 //robotpenController.GetInstance().showPageEvt += new robotpenController.ShowPage(Form1_showPageEvt); // T8A 按键消息 为了适应其他demo也能响应, 所以任何demo都消费此事件, 客户代码可根据设备类型判断是否消费此事件 robotpenController.GetInstance().keyPressEvt += new robotpenController.KeyPress(Form1_keyPressEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().PageSensorCallback_Evt += Rbtnet__PageSensorEvt_; date = new RobotpenGateway.robotpenController.returnPointData(Form1_bigDataReportEvt1); robotpenController.GetInstance().initDeletgate(ref date); CheckUsbConnect(); ////robotpenController.GetInstance().returnOptimizePointDataEvt += new robotpenController.returnOptimizePointData(Form1_returnOptimizePointDataEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().startSyncNoteDataEvt += new robotpenController.startSyncNoteData(Form1_startSyncNoteDataEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().startSyncNoteData_kzEvt += Form1_startSyncNoteData_kzEvt; //robotpenController.GetInstance().syncNoteDataEvt += new robotpenController.syncNoteData(Form1_syncNoteDataEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().endSyncNoteDataEvt += new robotpenController.endSyncNoteData(Form1_endSyncNoteDataEvt); //robotpenController.GetInstance().getOfflineNoteDataEvt += new robotpenController.getOfflineNoteData(Form1_getOfflineNoteDataEvt); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("设备初始化失败:" + ex.Message, ex); } } /// /// 委托实例函数,用于异步修改listview显示的USB连接设备信息 /// private void SetListView() { if (usbIsConnected) { robotpenController.GetInstance()._CloseConnect(); } CheckUsbConnect(); } /// /// 设备插拔消息,更新listview /// /// /// void Form1_deviceChangeEvt(bool bStatus, ushort uPid) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); //Console.WriteLine(); try { if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("设备状态{0} PID = {1}", bStatus, uPid)); } } catch (Exception) { } //SetListView(); CheckUsbConnect(); } /// /// 书写 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private void Form1_bigDataReportEvt1(byte bIndex, byte bPenStatus, short bx, short by, short bPress) { if (bx == 0 && by == 0 && bPenStatus == 0 && bPress == 0) { return; } //17是按下,16是抬起 if (bPenStatus == 16 || bPenStatus == 0) { //stroke.Clear(); if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, 0); })); } } ////按下 //if (bPenStatus == 17) //{ //} //if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) //{ // LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format(@"x={0},y={1},s={2},p={3}", bx, by, bPenStatus, bPress)); //} //stroke.Add(new System.Drawing.Point(by, bx)); double PropW = blackboard_canvas.ActualWidth / m_nDeviceH; double PropH = blackboard_canvas.ActualHeight / m_nDeviceW; //点 double tempY = (m_nDeviceW - bx) * PropH; double tempX = by * PropW; //pageSerial //点阵IP地址 与打印的页面关联 if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { float Pressure = bPress / 100f; //myblackboard.changepages(testX, testY,false); if (bPress > 0) { myblackboard.changepages(tempX, tempY, false, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, Pressure); } #region 设置滚动条位置 //点在显示页面上方 if (tempY < scroMain.VerticalOffset) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向上滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double UpRoll = (RollCurrentLocation - tempY) + (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation - UpRoll; if (RollLocation < 0) { RollLocation = 0; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollCurrentLocation - RollLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } //点在显示页面下方 if (tempY > scroMain.VerticalOffset + scroMain.ActualHeight) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向下滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double DownRoll = (tempY - RollCurrentLocation) - (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation + DownRoll; //滚动条最大滚动值 double ScrollbarMaxNum = gridM.ActualHeight - scroMain.ActualHeight; if (RollLocation > ScrollbarMaxNum) { RollLocation = ScrollbarMaxNum; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollLocation-RollCurrentLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } #endregion if (tempX > 0 && tempY > 0) { //System.Windows.Point getP = blackboard_canvas.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(testX, testY)); System.Windows.Point getP = scroMain.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(tempX, tempY - scroMain.VerticalOffset)); SetCursorPos((int)getP.X, (int)getP.Y); } })); } } /// /// 判断是否有设备连接 /// public void CheckUsbConnect() { usbIsConnected = false; Thread.Sleep(200); int nDeviceCount = robotpenController.GetInstance()._GetDeviceCount(); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("当前有 {0} 个设备", nDeviceCount)); } if (nDeviceCount > 0) { //this.listView1.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < nDeviceCount; ++i) { ushort npid = 0; ushort nvid = 0; string strDeviceName = string.Empty; eDeviceType dtype = eDeviceType.Unknow; if (robotpenController.GetInstance()._GetAvailableDevice(i, ref npid, ref nvid, ref strDeviceName, ref dtype)) { if (!usbIsConnected) { usbIsConnected = true; deviceType = dtype; robotpenController.GetInstance()._ConnectInitialize(deviceType, IntPtr.Zero); int nRes = robotpenController.GetInstance()._ConnectOpen(); if (nRes != 0) { //LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format(@"x={0},y={1},s={2},p={3}", bx, by, bPenStatus, bPress)); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("设备自动连接失败,请重新插拔设备或尝试手动连接!", null); usbIsConnected = false; break; } //robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SwitchMode); robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.GetConfig); APP.BoardStatus = true; try { int banWidth = robotpenController.GetInstance().getWidth(); int banHeight = robotpenController.GetInstance().getHeight(); if (banWidth > 0 && banHeight > 0) { if (banWidth > banHeight) { m_nDeviceW = banWidth; m_nDeviceH = banHeight; } else { m_nDeviceW = banHeight; m_nDeviceH = banWidth; } } if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("手写板宽度为:{0} 高度为:{1}", m_nDeviceW, m_nDeviceH)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("手写板大小获取失败:" + ex.Message, ex); } UpdateDevStatus(); if (APP.IsOutputInfoLog) { LogHelper.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("设备类型:{0}", deviceType.ToString())); } //Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => //{ // txbNotConnected.Text = "手写板"; // txbNotConnecteds.Text = "手写板"; //})); new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { Thread.Sleep(1500); //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ //获取当前设备状态 robotpenController.GetInstance()._Send(cmdId.SearchMode); //}); }))).Start(); } } } } else { APP.BoardStatus = false; UpdateDevStatus(); } } /// /// 按键回调函数 /// /// private void Form1_keyPressEvt(eKeyPress Value) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { switch (Value) { case eKeyPress.CLICK: break; case eKeyPress.DBCLICK: break; case eKeyPress.PAGEUP: last_button_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.PAGEDOWN: next_btn_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.CREATEPAGE://关机键 break; case eKeyPress.KEY_A: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_B: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_C: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_D: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_E: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_F: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_UP: last_button_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.KEY_DOWN: next_btn_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.KEY_YES: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_NO: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_CANCEL: break; case eKeyPress.KEY_OK: break; case eKeyPress.PAGEUPCLICK://上一页 last_button_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.PAGEUPDBCLICK://双击上一页 break; case eKeyPress.PAGEUPPRESS://长按上一页 break; case eKeyPress.PAGEDOWNCLICK://下一页 next_btn_Click(null, null); break; case eKeyPress.PAGEDOWNDBCLICK://双击下一页 break; case eKeyPress.PAGEDOWNPRESS://长按下一页 break; } })); } #endregion /// /// 更新设备状态显示 /// public void UpdateDevStatus() { if (APP.BoardStatus && (APP.PenStatus || APP.TQLPenStatus)) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { txbNotConnected.Text = "笔/板"; txbNotConnecteds.Text = "笔/板"; })); } else if (APP.BoardStatus) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { txbNotConnected.Text = "手写板"; txbNotConnecteds.Text = "手写板"; })); } else if (APP.PenStatus) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { txbNotConnected.Text = "智能笔"; txbNotConnecteds.Text = "智能笔"; })); } else if (APP.TQLPenStatus) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { txbNotConnected.Text = "点阵笔"; txbNotConnecteds.Text = "点阵笔"; })); } else { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { txbNotConnected.Text = "未连接"; txbNotConnecteds.Text = "未连接"; })); } } #endregion #region 腾千里手写笔 /// /// 是否在书写 /// bool isTQLPenDown = false; /// /// TQL点阵笔宽高 /// static float TQLA4_WIDTH = (float)2480 / (float)300 * (float)25.4 / (float)1.524; //(float)1075 / (float)150 * (float)25.4 / (float)1.524; //OID4 static float TQLA4_HEIGHT = (float)3509 / (float)300 * (float)25.4 / (float)1.524;//(float)1512 / (float)150 * (float)25.4 / (float)1.524; /// /// TQL初始化 /// public void InitTQLPPen() { if (APP.TQLPenevents == null) { APP.TQLPenevents = new PenEvents(1); } else { APP.TQLPenevents.InToType = 1; } } /// /// 笔落下 /// public void TQLDown() { isTQLPenDown = true; if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, 0); })); } } /// /// 笔抬起 /// public void TQLUp() { isTQLPenDown = false; //stroke.Clear(); if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { myblackboard.changepages(0, 0, true, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, 0); })); } } /// /// 笔书写 /// /// /// /// public void TQLPenWrite(double cx, double cy, int force) { //判断是否是落笔后输出的坐标,在设置悬浮模式下,落笔前的悬浮坐标不绘制 if (!isTQLPenDown) { return; } double PropW = blackboard_canvas.ActualWidth / TQLA4_WIDTH; double PropH = blackboard_canvas.ActualHeight / TQLA4_HEIGHT; //点 double tempX = cx * PropW; double tempY = cy * PropH; if (APP.pageData.currpage > 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { //0~1023,亦即有 1024 阶供应用软件后续应用之用,如笔锋笔触,暂无用 float Pressure = (float)force / 1023f; myblackboard.changepages(tempX, tempY, false, Color, PenSize, APP.pageData.currpage - 1, Pressure); #region 设置滚动条位置 //点在显示页面上方 if (tempY < scroMain.VerticalOffset) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向上滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double UpRoll = (RollCurrentLocation - tempY) + (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation - UpRoll; if (RollLocation < 0) { RollLocation = 0; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollCurrentLocation - RollLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } //点在显示页面下方 if (tempY > scroMain.VerticalOffset + scroMain.ActualHeight) { //滚动条当前位置 double RollCurrentLocation = scroMain.VerticalOffset; //向下滚动至以点为中心需要滚动的距离 double DownRoll = (tempY - RollCurrentLocation) - (scroMain.ActualHeight / 2); //如果小于0则等于0 double RollLocation = RollCurrentLocation + DownRoll; //滚动条最大滚动值 double ScrollbarMaxNum = gridM.ActualHeight - scroMain.ActualHeight; if (RollLocation > ScrollbarMaxNum) { RollLocation = ScrollbarMaxNum; } ////滚动条实际偏移量 //double RollOffset = RollLocation-RollCurrentLocation; scroMain.ScrollToVerticalOffset(RollLocation); } #endregion if (tempX > 0 && tempY > 0) { System.Windows.Point getP = scroMain.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(tempX, tempY - scroMain.VerticalOffset)); SetCursorPos((int)getP.X, (int)getP.Y); } })); } } #endregion #region 图片拉伸移动 private System.Windows.Point initialPoint; /// /// 隐藏图片四个点和线 /// private void HideAngleBorder() { RectLeftUp.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; RectRightUp.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; RectLeftDown.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; RectRightDown.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; RectImgBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } private void ShowAngleBorder() { PointLocation(); RectLeftUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RectRightUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RectLeftDown.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RectRightDown.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RectImgBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } /// /// 确定四个点和边框的位置大小 /// private void PointLocation() { RectImgBorder.Width = imgCanvas.ActualWidth + 10.0; RectImgBorder.Height = imgCanvas.ActualHeight + 10.0; RectImgBorder.Margin = new Thickness(imgCanvas.Margin.Left - 5.0, imgCanvas.Margin.Top - 5.0, 0, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(RectLeftUp, imgCanvas.Margin.Left - 10.0); Canvas.SetTop(RectLeftUp, imgCanvas.Margin.Top - 10.0); Canvas.SetLeft(RectRightUp, imgCanvas.Margin.Left + imgCanvas.ActualWidth - 10.0); Canvas.SetTop(RectRightUp, imgCanvas.Margin.Top - 10.0); Canvas.SetLeft(RectLeftDown, imgCanvas.Margin.Left - 10.0); Canvas.SetTop(RectLeftDown, imgCanvas.Margin.Top + imgCanvas.ActualHeight - 10.0); Canvas.SetLeft(RectRightDown, imgCanvas.Margin.Left + imgCanvas.ActualWidth - 10.0); Canvas.SetTop(RectRightDown, imgCanvas.Margin.Top + imgCanvas.ActualHeight - 10.0); } private void PicEMap_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Point point = e.GetPosition(imgCanvas); initialPoint = point; //Console.WriteLine("PicEmap.X = " + point.X + "; PicEmap.Y = " + point.Y); //if ((point.X - 304) * (point.X - 304) + (point.Y - 86) * (point.Y - 86) < 100) //{ // Console.WriteLine("在范围内"); //} HideAngleBorder(); } private void imgCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed && mouseDown) { System.Windows.Point point = e.GetPosition(imgCanvas); imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgCanvas.Margin.Left + (point.X - initialPoint.X), imgCanvas.Margin.Top + (point.Y - initialPoint.Y), 0, 0); APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = imgCanvas.Margin.Left, Y = imgCanvas.Margin.Top }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.ActualWidth, CenterY = imgCanvas.ActualHeight }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; } } private void imgCanvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (mouseDown) { ShowAngleBorder(); } } private System.Drawing.PointF imgRightDown; /// /// 设置控件最上层 /// /// public void BringToFront(Thumb element)//图片置于最顶层显示 { if (element == null) { return; } Canvas parent = element.Parent as Canvas; if (parent == null) { return; } int maxZ = parent.Children.OfType()//linq语句,取Zindex的最大值 .Where(x => x != element) .Select(x => Canvas.GetZIndex(x)) .Max(); Canvas.SetZIndex(element, maxZ + 1); } private void RectRightUp_DragStarted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragStartedEventArgs e) { try { Thumb thu = (Thumb)sender; BringToFront(thu); imgRightDown = new System.Drawing.PointF((float)(imgCanvas.Margin.Left + imgCanvas.ActualWidth), (float)(imgCanvas.Margin.Top + imgCanvas.ActualHeight)); HideAngleBorder(); switch (thu.Name) { case "RectLeftUp": RectLeftUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; case "RectRightUp": RectRightUp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; case "RectLeftDown": RectLeftDown.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; case "RectRightDown": RectRightDown.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); } } private void RectRightUp_DragDelta(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs e) { try { if (mouseDown) { Thumb thu = (Thumb)sender; #region 判断是否超出 暂无 double plul = Canvas.GetLeft(RectLeftUp); double plut = Canvas.GetTop(RectLeftUp); double prdl = Canvas.GetLeft(RectRightDown); double prdt = Canvas.GetTop(RectRightDown); #endregion //Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(thu) + e.HorizontalChange); //Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(thu) + e.VerticalChange); double imgW = 0; double imgH = 0; double imgX = 0; double imgY = 0; switch (thu.Name) { case "RectLeftUp": #region 左上 imgW = imgRightDown.X - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X); imgH = imgRightDown.Y - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y); imgX = 0; imgY = 0; if (imgW < 50) { imgCanvas.Width = 50; imgX = imgCanvas.Margin.Left; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(RectRightDown) - 50); } else { imgCanvas.Width = imgW; imgX = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(thu) + e.HorizontalChange); } if (imgH < 50) { imgCanvas.Height = 50; imgY = imgCanvas.Margin.Top; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(RectRightDown) - 50); } else { imgCanvas.Height = imgH; imgY = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(thu) + e.VerticalChange); } imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgX, imgY, 0, 0); #endregion //imgCanvas.Width = imgRightDown.X - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X); //imgCanvas.Height = imgRightDown.Y - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y); //imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X, Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y, 0, 0); break; case "RectRightUp": #region 右上 imgW = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X - imgCanvas.Margin.Left; imgH = imgRightDown.Y - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y); imgX = 0; imgY = 0; if (imgW < 50) { imgCanvas.Width = 50; imgX = imgCanvas.Margin.Left; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(RectLeftUp) + 50); } else { imgCanvas.Width = imgW; imgX = imgCanvas.Margin.Left; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(thu) + e.HorizontalChange); } if (imgH < 50) { imgCanvas.Height = 50; imgY = imgCanvas.Margin.Top; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(RectRightDown) - 50); } else { imgCanvas.Height = imgH; imgY = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(thu) + e.VerticalChange); } imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgX, imgY, 0, 0); //imgCanvas.Width = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X - imgCanvas.Margin.Left; //imgCanvas.Height = imgRightDown.Y - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y); //imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgCanvas.Margin.Left, Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y, 0, 0); #endregion break; case "RectLeftDown": #region 左下 imgW = imgRightDown.X - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X); imgH = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y - imgCanvas.Margin.Top; imgX = 0; imgY = 0; if (imgW < 50) { imgCanvas.Width = 50; imgX = imgCanvas.Margin.Left; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(RectRightDown) - 50); } else { imgCanvas.Width = imgW; imgX = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(thu) + e.HorizontalChange); } if (imgH < 50) { imgCanvas.Height = 50; imgY = imgCanvas.Margin.Top; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(RectLeftUp) + 50); } else { imgCanvas.Height = imgH; imgY = imgCanvas.Margin.Top; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(thu) + e.VerticalChange); } imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgX, imgY, 0, 0); //imgCanvas.Width = imgRightDown.X - (Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X); //imgCanvas.Height = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y - imgCanvas.Margin.Top; //imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X, imgCanvas.Margin.Top, 0, 0); #endregion break; case "RectRightDown": #region 右下 imgW = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).X - imgCanvas.Margin.Left; imgH = Mouse.GetPosition(gridM).Y - imgCanvas.Margin.Top; if (imgW < 50) { imgCanvas.Width = 50; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(RectLeftUp) + 50); } else { imgCanvas.Width = imgW; Canvas.SetLeft(thu, Canvas.GetLeft(thu) + e.HorizontalChange); } if (imgH < 50) { imgCanvas.Height = 50; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(RectLeftUp) + 50); } else { imgCanvas.Height = imgH; Canvas.SetTop(thu, Canvas.GetTop(thu) + e.VerticalChange); } //imgCanvas.Margin = new Thickness(imgX, imgY, 0, 0); //imgCanvas.Width += e.HorizontalChange; //imgCanvas.Height += e.VerticalChange; #endregion break; default: break; } APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageLocation = new TranslateTransform { X = imgCanvas.Margin.Left, Y = imgCanvas.Margin.Top }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].ImageSizes = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = imgCanvas.ActualWidth, CenterY = imgCanvas.ActualHeight }; APP.PageDrawList[APP.pageData.currpage - 1].IsImageLocation = false; } //lbl1.Content = imgCanvas.Margin.Left + "," + imgCanvas.Margin.Top; //lbl2.Content = (imgCanvas.Margin.Left+ imgCanvas.Width) +"," + imgCanvas.Margin.Top; //lbl3.Content = imgCanvas.Margin.Left + "," + (imgCanvas.Margin.Top+ imgCanvas.Height); //lbl4.Content= (imgCanvas.Margin.Left + imgCanvas.Width )+ "," + (imgCanvas.Margin.Top + imgCanvas.Height); } catch (Exception) { MessageWindow.Show("图片过小!"); } } private void RectRightUp_DragCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragCompletedEventArgs e) { ShowAngleBorder(); } /// /// 点击标题栏 隐藏截图的四个点和线 /// /// /// private void Grid_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { HideAngleBorder(); } /// /// 鼠标左键点击事件 /// /// /// private void Window_MouseLeftButtonDown_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (RectImgBorder.Visibility != Visibility.Hidden) { HideAngleBorder(); } } #endregion #region 方法 /// /// 录屏 录制 截图 导入文档 增加 主页面显示 /// private void Record() { PageHide(); GridMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (APP.pageData.pagenum > 0) { gridPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } DataContext = APP.pageData; } /// /// 设置页面显示 /// private void SetUp() { } #endregion #region 跳转 /// /// 跳转 /// /// /// private void CbxPageList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { #region 安全 if (CbxPageList.SelectedValue == null) { return; } if (APP.pageData.currpage == int.Parse(CbxPageList.SelectedValue.ToString())) { return; } #endregion int JumpPage; try { JumpPage = int.Parse(CbxPageList.SelectedValue.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { MessageWindow.Show("操作有误!请输入有效的页码!"); return; } if (JumpPage < 1) { JumpPage = 1; } if (JumpPage > int.Parse(txbTotalpage.Text)) { JumpPage = int.Parse(txbTotalpage.Text); } #region 跳转 APP.pageData.currpage = JumpPage; JumpPageClick(); #endregion } #endregion #region 原跳转 /// /// 跳转页 /// /// /// private void txbCurrpage_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (e.ClickCount == 2) { try { if (int.Parse(txbCurrpage.Text) > 0) { //txtJump.Text = txbCurrpage.Text; //txbCurrpage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //txtJump.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //BtnJumpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //txtJump.Focus(); //txtJump.SelectAll(); } } catch (Exception) { } } } /// /// 确定跳转 /// /// /// private void BtnJumpPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int JumpPage = 0; //try //{ // JumpPage = int.Parse(txtJump.Text); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // MessageWindow.Show("操作有误!请输入有效的页码!"); // return; //} if (JumpPage < 1) { JumpPage = 1; } if (JumpPage > int.Parse(txbTotalpage.Text)) { JumpPage = int.Parse(txbTotalpage.Text); } #region 跳转 APP.pageData.currpage = JumpPage; JumpPageClick(); #endregion //txbCurrpage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //txtJump.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //BtnJumpPage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } /// /// 只允许输入数字 /// /// /// private void txtJump_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) { Regex re = new Regex("[^0-9.-]+"); e.Handled = re.IsMatch(e.Text); } private void txtJump_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter) { BtnJumpPage_Click(null, null); } } #endregion #region 打印 /// /// 下拉框数据源 /// public DataTable data = new DataTable(); private DataTable dtComponentsUniqueNo; /// /// 打印进度 /// private System.Timers.Timer timesPrint; /// /// 打印消息 /// private System.Timers.Timer timesPrintMsg; private double wit = 0; private double hei = 0; /// /// 打印状态消息 /// string PrintMsg = "打印中"; /// /// 打印初始化 /// public void InitPrint() { ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; List defaList = LatticeFileHelper.GetPrinterList(out string defa); if (defaList.Count > 0) { data.Columns.Add("Value"); data.Columns.Add("Key"); for (int i = 0; i < defaList.Count; i++) { //创建一行 DataRow row = data.NewRow(); //将此行添加到table中 data.Rows.Add(row); data.Rows[i]["Value"] = defaList[i]; data.Rows[i]["Key"] = i.ToString(); } dtComponentsUniqueNo = data.DefaultView.ToTable(); cmbClass.ItemsSource = dtComponentsUniqueNo.DefaultView; cmbClass.SelectedIndex = 0; } Dictionary dicItem = new Dictionary(); dicItem.Add(0, 600); dicItem.Add(1, 1200); CbxDpi.ItemsSource = dicItem; CbxDpi.SelectedIndex = 0; Dictionary dictypeItem = new Dictionary(); dictypeItem.Add(0, "2x2"); dictypeItem.Add(1, "3x3"); dictypeItem.Add(2, "4x4"); CbxType.ItemsSource = dictypeItem; CbxType.SelectedIndex = 0; TQLInit(); } /// /// 初始化页面 /// /// /// /// public void InitializePrint(string _imgPath, double _wit, double _hei) { wit = _wit; hei = _hei; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_imgPath)) { imgPri.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(_imgPath)); } else { imgPri.Source = null; } GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } #region TQL打印 /// /// 授权文件位置 /// string TQLAuthorizationPath; /// /// 授权码 /// string gKeyStr; TmatrixClass TMC = new TmatrixClass(); public static string gPrintFileName; //string gDirectory = Application.StartupPath; //string gFileName = ""; bool gbInitDone = false; //string gUserName = ""; //string gPassword = ""; //private string gEKeyStr; iTextSharp.text.Document document; enum TMATRIX_POINT_TYPE { TmatrixPointType_2x2 = 0, // 2x2 Point Type TmatrixPointType_3x3 = 1, // 3x3 Point Type }; enum TMATRIX_OBJECT_TYPE { TMATRIX_OT_ElementCode = 0, // 此类型对象的Index范围是:75497472~83886079(十六进制为:0x04800000~0x04ffffff) TMATRIX_OT_PositionCode, // 此类型对象没有Index }; /// /// TQL初始化打印 /// void TQLInit() { ///初始化 if (TMC.TmatrixInitialize() == false) { //MessageBox.Show(this, "点阵码初始化失败!", "生成点阵码", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //Close(); } else { gbInitDone = true; } document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0); try { TQLAuthorizationPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("/LatticeXML/S0_O000_B0000_P000-255.tmx"); StreamReader gsr = new StreamReader(TQLAuthorizationPath); gKeyStr = gsr.ReadLine(); gsr.Close(); string KeyCheckResult = TMC.TmatrixKeyCheck_OID4(gKeyStr); if (KeyCheckResult.Substring(0, 1) == "1") { MessageWindow.Show("打印服务授权过期,请联系厂家更换授权!"); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("打印服务授权过期:" + KeyCheckResult, null); gbInitDone = false; } else if (KeyCheckResult.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteErrLog("打印服务授权失败:" + ex.Message, ex); MessageWindow.Show("打印服务授权失败,请联系厂家!"); gbInitDone = false; } } /// /// 铺码 /// private bool GenerateCode(string PDFPath) { try { if (gbInitDone == false) { MessageWindow.Show("打印功能无法使用,无效授权。"); return false; } try { string directoryPath = FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(PDFPath); FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(directoryPath + "Bg with Images/"); FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(directoryPath + "Bg with Vector Images/"); FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(directoryPath + "Bg without Vector Images/"); FileToolsCommon.DeleteDirectory(directoryPath + "Vector Images/"); } catch (Exception) { } int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int DPIValue = 0; int TypeValue = 0; try { DPIValue = CbxDpi.SelectedIndex; //TypeValue = CbxType.SelectedIndex; } catch (Exception) { } APP.gPointType[i] = TypeValue; APP.gPointDPI[i] = DPIValue; } APP.gbGenerateBGWithVImage = false; APP.gbGenerateVImage = false; APP.gbGenerateBGWithoutVImage = false; APP.gbGenerateBGWithImage = true; //初始页 int SPID = 0; //int PointType = (int)(TMATRIX_POINT_TYPE.TmatrixPointType_3x3); //string sGenerateResult = TMC.GenerateTmatrixCode(gKeyStr, PDFFileName, SPID, PointType, GlobalClass.gbGenerateBGWithVImage, GlobalClass.gbGenerateVImage, GlobalClass.gbGenerateBGWithoutVImage, GlobalClass.gbGenerateBGWithImage); bool[] bPublishImageType = new bool[4]; bPublishImageType[0] = APP.gbGenerateBGWithVImage; bPublishImageType[1] = APP.gbGenerateVImage; bPublishImageType[2] = APP.gbGenerateBGWithoutVImage; bPublishImageType[3] = APP.gbGenerateBGWithImage; PDFPath = PDFPath.Replace("/", "\\"); string sGenerateResult = TMC.GenerateTmatrixCode_OID4(gKeyStr, PDFPath, SPID, APP.gPointType, bPublishImageType, APP.gPointDPI); if (sGenerateResult.Substring(0, 1) == "1") { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show("打印功能无法使用,无效授权。"); }); return false; } else if (sGenerateResult.Substring(0, 1) == "0") { //生成成功 //打印 //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ //}); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show("打印失败:" + ex.Message); }); return false; } } #endregion /// /// 打印 /// /// /// private void BtnPrint_Print_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmbClass.Text)) { MessageWindow.Show("请设置打印机!"); return; } btnPrint.IsEnabled = false; Thread myThread = new Thread(StartPrint); List StrList = new List(); int ipdf = 102; string imgPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("temp/"); string tempImgPath = imgPath; imgPath += "101.pdf"; while (File.Exists(imgPath)) { imgPath = tempImgPath + ipdf.ToString() + ".pdf"; ipdf++; } StrList.Add(imgPath); //打印数量 int PrinterNum = Convert.ToInt32(txbNumberOfCopies.Text); StrList.Add(PrinterNum.ToString()); //打印机名称 string PrinterName = cmbClass.Text; StrList.Add(PrinterName); PrintMsg = "准备中"; msgnum = 0; num = 0; GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; myThread.Start(StrList); timesPrint = new System.Timers.Timer(100); timesPrint.Elapsed += Times_ElapsedClick; timesPrint.Start(); timesPrintMsg = new System.Timers.Timer(500); timesPrintMsg.Elapsed += TimesPrintMsg_Elapsed; timesPrintMsg.Start(); } int msgnum = 0; /// /// 消息 /// /// /// private void TimesPrintMsg_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (msgnum > 5) msgnum = 0; else msgnum++; string point = ""; point = point.ToString().PadRight(msgnum, '.'); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LabPrintMessage.Content = PrintMsg + point; }); } private int num = 0; /// /// 计时器 /// /// /// private void Times_ElapsedClick(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { pgbProcess.Value = num; lbProcess.Content = num.ToString() + "%"; if (num < 99) { num++; timesPrint.Interval += (num / 2); } else { timesPrint.Stop(); } }); } /// /// 开始打印 /// private void StartPrint(object obj) { try { document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); PrintMsg = "生成文件"; msgnum = 0; List objStr1 = (List)obj; string SourcePath1 = objStr1[0]; try { SourcePath1 = SourcePath1.Replace("/", "\\"); FileStream fs = new FileStream(SourcePath1, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); document.AddAuthor("星火微课");//作者 document.AddCreationDate();//创建时候 document.AddCreator("星火微课");//创建者 document.AddSubject("点阵文件");//主题 document.AddTitle("PrintTmatrixCode");//标题 document.AddKeywords("Print"); document.AddHeader("TmatrixCode", "0"); Thread.Sleep(300); iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs); } catch (Exception) { } document.Open(); iTextSharp.text.Image image; for (int i = 0; i < APP.PageDrawList.Count; i++) { long ii = Timestamp(); string directoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Temp\\"; string filePathOutPut = Path.Combine(directoryPath, string.Format("print{0}{1}.jpg", ii, i)); RectangleF rectangleFs = new RectangleF(); MergerPrintImg("", filePathOutPut, rectangleFs, out string errmsg); image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(filePathOutPut); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath))//没有图片 { } else if (APP.PageDrawList[i].ImgDocumentation == true && !APP.PageDrawList[i].Type.Equals("ppt")) { image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath); } else { RectangleF rectangleF = new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { rectangleF = new RectangleF { Width = (float)APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageSizes.CenterX, Height = (float)APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageSizes.CenterY, X = (float)APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageLocation.X, Y = (float)APP.PageDrawList[i].ImageLocation.Y }; }); string msgs = string.Empty; bool isImg = MergerPrintImg(APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath, filePathOutPut, rectangleF, out msgs); if (isImg) { image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(filePathOutPut); } else { image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(APP.PageDrawList[i].PageImagePath); } } if (image.Height > iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Height) { image.ScaleToFit(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Height); } else if (image.Width > iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Width) { image.ScaleToFit(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Height); } image.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE; document.NewPage(); document.Add(image); //iTextSharp.text.Chunk c1 = new iTextSharp.text.Chunk("Hello World"); //iTextSharp.text.Phrase p1 = new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(); //p1.Leading = 150; //行间距 //document.Add(p1); } //Console.WriteLine("转换成功!"); document.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; timesPrint.Stop(); timesPrintMsg.Stop(); GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MessageWindow.Show(ex.Message); return; }); LogHelper.WriteErrLog("打印转换PDF失败,原因:" + ex.Message, ex); } List objStr = (List)obj; //PDF位置 string SourcePath = objStr[0]; int PrinterNum = int.Parse(objStr[1]); string PrinterName = objStr[2]; PrintMsg = "铺码中"; msgnum = 0; Thread.Sleep(500); //腾千里生成点阵文件 if (GenerateCode(SourcePath)) { //打印机名称 string directoryPath = FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(SourcePath) + "Bg with Images/"; string[] strs = FileToolsCommon.GetFileNames(directoryPath); try { for (int i = 0; i < strs.Count(); i++) { timesPrint.Stop(); PrintMsg = "正在打印第" + (i + 1) + "/" + strs.Count() + "页中"; msgnum = 0; num = 0; timesPrint.Interval = 100; timesPrint.Start(); string fileName = strs[i]; Print(fileName, PrinterName, (short)PrinterNum); } //foreach (string fileName in strs) //{ // Print(fileName, PrinterName, (short)PrinterNum); //} } catch (Exception ex) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageWindow.Show("打印失败:" + ex.Message); btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; timesPrint.Stop(); GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; }); } Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; num = 99; timesPrint.Stop(); pgbProcess.Value = 100; lbProcess.Content = "100%"; GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MessageWindow.Show("已加入打印机队列,打印中。"); ////打印机名称 //string directoryPath = FileToolsCommon.GetDirectoryName(SourcePath) + "Bg with Images/"; //string[] strs = FileToolsCommon.GetFileNames(directoryPath); //foreach (string fileName in strs) //{ // pdfPrint(directoryPath, PrinterName); //} //MessageWindow.Show("生成点阵文件成功!"); //string TPFPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("temp/"); //FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(TPFPath); }); } else { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; timesPrint.Stop(); timesPrintMsg.Stop(); GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; }); } #region 拓思德生成点阵文件 ////TPF文件位置 //string TPFPath = FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("temp/"); //FileToolsCommon.CreateDirectory(TPFPath); //TPFPath += "101.TPF"; ////生成点阵文件 //LatticeFileHelper.GeneratingPDF(SourcePath, TPFPath, out int pr, out string msg, out string outPut/*, pyte*/); //while (!FileToolsCommon.IsExistFile(TPFPath)) //{ // Thread.Sleep(100); //} //while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pr.ToString())) //{ // Thread.Sleep(100); //} //Thread.Sleep(1000); #endregion #region 拓思德打印 ////打印 //LatticeFileHelper.PrinterTPFFile(TPFPath, PrinterNum, PrinterName, out int printResult, out string standardError, out string standardOutput); //if (printResult == 0) //{ // Dispatcher.Invoke(() => // { // btnClose.IsEnabled = true; // btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; // num = 99; // timesPrint.Stop(); // pgbProcess.Value = 100; // lbProcess.Content = "100%"; // MessageWindow.Show("打印成功!"); // GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // }); //} //else //{ // Dispatcher.Invoke(() => // { // btnClose.IsEnabled = true; // btnPrint.IsEnabled = true; // timesPrint.Stop(); // GridPrintMask.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // MessageWindow.Show(standardError); // }); //} #endregion } /// /// 调用打印机打印 /// /// PDF文件路径 /// 打印机名称 void Print(string PDFPath, string PrinterName, short PrinterNum = 1) { //加载PDF文档 PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.LoadFromFile(PDFPath); //指定打印机 doc.PrintSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName; //静默打印PDF文档 doc.PrintSettings.PrintController = new StandardPrintController(); ////设置文档打印页码范围 //doc.PrintSettings.SelectPageRange(1, 5); //打印不连续的页面 //doc.PrintSettings.SelectSomePages(new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 7 }); //设置打印份数为2份 doc.PrintSettings.Copies = PrinterNum; //打印PDF文档 doc.Print(); } /// /// 生成图片 /// /// 图片地址 /// 保存位置 /// 图片位置 /// 错误消息 /// private bool MergerPrintImg(string _path, string _saveimg, RectangleF _rectangle, out string errmsg) { errmsg = null; try { Bitmap bitmap = null; //创建要显示的图片对象,根据参数的个数设置宽度 Bitmap backgroudImg = new Bitmap((int)/*gridM.ActualWidth*/wit, (int)/*gridM.ActualHeight*/hei); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(backgroudImg); //清除画布,背景设置为白色 g.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.White); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_path)) { bitmap = ImageHelper.ReadBitmapFile(_path); g.DrawImage(bitmap, _rectangle); } #region 添加箭头 string Str = "↑"; SolidBrush mybrush = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black); //设置默认画刷颜色 System.Drawing.Font myfont = new System.Drawing.Font("黑体", 14); //设置默认字体格式 g.DrawString(Str, myfont, mybrush, new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)wit - 50, 20, 50, 50)); #endregion backgroudImg.Save(_saveimg); g.Dispose(); backgroudImg.Dispose(); if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.Dispose(); } GC.Collect(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { errmsg = ex.Message; LogHelper.WriteErrLog("【截图合成】(MergerImg)图片合成失败:" + ex.Message, ex); return false; } } /// /// 减 /// /// /// private void BtnPrintLess_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int num = Convert.ToInt32(txbNumberOfCopies.Text); if (num > 1) { num--; txbNumberOfCopies.Text = num.ToString(); } } /// /// 新增 /// /// /// private void BtnPrintAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int num = Convert.ToInt32(txbNumberOfCopies.Text); if (num > 0) { num++; txbNumberOfCopies.Text = num.ToString(); } } /// /// 打印说明 /// /// /// private void btnPrintExplain_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(FileToolsCommon.GetFileAbsolutePath("/星火微课点阵码打印及印刷指导手册.docx")); } #endregion #region 设备检测 /// /// 设备检测 /// /// /// private void btnDevice_Black_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (APP.W_DeviceWindow == null) { APP.W_DeviceWindow = new DeviceWindow(); APP.W_DeviceWindow.Owner = this; } APP.W_DeviceWindow.Initialize(); APP.W_DeviceWindow.ShowDialog(); } #endregion } public class PageData { public int PageCode { get; set; } public string PageName { get; set; } } public enum ReportRate { R_200, R_160, R_120, R_80, R_40 } public class RobotPoint { public int bIndex { get; set; } public int bPenStatus { get; set; } public float bx { get; set; } public float by { get; set; } public float bPress { get; set; } public float bWidth { get; set; } public float bSpeed { get; set; } public bool isOptimize { get; set; } } }