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  26. <h1 class="titlefont">Developer Documentation</h1>
  27. <hr>
  28. <a name="SEC_Top"></a>
  29. <a name="SEC_Contents"></a>
  30. <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
  31. <div class="contents">
  32. <ul class="no-bullet">
  33. <li><a name="toc-Notes-for-external-developers" href="#Notes-for-external-developers">1 Notes for external developers</a></li>
  34. <li><a name="toc-Contributing" href="#Contributing">2 Contributing</a></li>
  35. <li><a name="toc-Coding-Rules-1" href="#Coding-Rules-1">3 Coding Rules</a>
  36. <ul class="no-bullet">
  37. <li><a name="toc-Code-formatting-conventions" href="#Code-formatting-conventions">3.1 Code formatting conventions</a></li>
  38. <li><a name="toc-Comments" href="#Comments">3.2 Comments</a></li>
  39. <li><a name="toc-C-language-features" href="#C-language-features">3.3 C language features</a></li>
  40. <li><a name="toc-Naming-conventions" href="#Naming-conventions">3.4 Naming conventions</a></li>
  41. <li><a name="toc-Miscellaneous-conventions" href="#Miscellaneous-conventions">3.5 Miscellaneous conventions</a></li>
  42. <li><a name="toc-Editor-configuration" href="#Editor-configuration">3.6 Editor configuration</a></li>
  43. </ul></li>
  44. <li><a name="toc-Development-Policy" href="#Development-Policy">4 Development Policy</a>
  45. <ul class="no-bullet">
  46. <li><a name="toc-Patches_002fCommitting" href="#Patches_002fCommitting">4.1 Patches/Committing</a></li>
  47. <li><a name="toc-Code" href="#Code">4.2 Code</a></li>
  48. <li><a name="toc-Documentation_002fOther" href="#Documentation_002fOther">4.3 Documentation/Other</a></li>
  49. </ul></li>
  50. <li><a name="toc-Code-of-conduct" href="#Code-of-conduct">5 Code of conduct</a></li>
  51. <li><a name="toc-Submitting-patches-1" href="#Submitting-patches-1">6 Submitting patches</a></li>
  52. <li><a name="toc-New-codecs-or-formats-checklist" href="#New-codecs-or-formats-checklist">7 New codecs or formats checklist</a></li>
  53. <li><a name="toc-Patch-submission-checklist" href="#Patch-submission-checklist">8 Patch submission checklist</a></li>
  54. <li><a name="toc-Patch-review-process" href="#Patch-review-process">9 Patch review process</a></li>
  55. <li><a name="toc-Regression-tests-1" href="#Regression-tests-1">10 Regression tests</a>
  56. <ul class="no-bullet">
  57. <li><a name="toc-Adding-files-to-the-fate_002dsuite-dataset" href="#Adding-files-to-the-fate_002dsuite-dataset">10.1 Adding files to the fate-suite dataset</a></li>
  58. <li><a name="toc-Visualizing-Test-Coverage" href="#Visualizing-Test-Coverage">10.2 Visualizing Test Coverage</a></li>
  59. <li><a name="toc-Using-Valgrind" href="#Using-Valgrind">10.3 Using Valgrind</a></li>
  60. </ul></li>
  61. <li><a name="toc-Release-process-1" href="#Release-process-1">11 Release process</a>
  62. <ul class="no-bullet">
  63. <li><a name="toc-Criteria-for-Point-Releases-1" href="#Criteria-for-Point-Releases-1">11.1 Criteria for Point Releases</a></li>
  64. <li><a name="toc-Release-Checklist" href="#Release-Checklist">11.2 Release Checklist</a></li>
  65. </ul>
  66. </li>
  67. </ul>
  68. </div>
  69. <hr size="6">
  70. <a name="Notes-for-external-developers"></a>
  71. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Notes-for-external-developers">1 Notes for external developers</a></h1>
  72. <p>This document is mostly useful for internal FFmpeg developers.
  73. External developers who need to use the API in their application should
  74. refer to the API doxygen documentation in the public headers, and
  75. check the examples in &lsquo;<tt>doc/examples</tt>&rsquo; and in the source code to
  76. see how the public API is employed.
  77. </p>
  78. <p>You can use the FFmpeg libraries in your commercial program, but you
  79. are encouraged to <em>publish any patch you make</em>. In this case the
  80. best way to proceed is to send your patches to the ffmpeg-devel
  81. mailing list following the guidelines illustrated in the remainder of
  82. this document.
  83. </p>
  84. <p>For more detailed legal information about the use of FFmpeg in
  85. external programs read the &lsquo;<tt>LICENSE</tt>&rsquo; file in the source tree and
  86. consult <a href="https://ffmpeg.org/legal.html">https://ffmpeg.org/legal.html</a>.
  87. </p>
  88. <a name="Contributing"></a>
  89. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Contributing">2 Contributing</a></h1>
  90. <p>There are 2 ways by which code gets into FFmpeg:
  91. </p><ul>
  92. <li> Submitting patches to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list.
  93. See <a href="#Submitting-patches">Submitting patches</a> for details.
  94. </li><li> Directly committing changes to the main tree.
  95. </li></ul>
  96. <p>Whichever way, changes should be reviewed by the maintainer of the code
  97. before they are committed. And they should follow the <a href="#Coding-Rules">Coding Rules</a>.
  98. The developer making the commit and the author are responsible for their changes
  99. and should try to fix issues their commit causes.
  100. </p>
  101. <p><a name="Coding-Rules"></a>
  102. </p><a name="Coding-Rules-1"></a>
  103. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Coding-Rules-1">3 Coding Rules</a></h1>
  104. <a name="Code-formatting-conventions"></a>
  105. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Code-formatting-conventions">3.1 Code formatting conventions</a></h2>
  106. <p>There are the following guidelines regarding the indentation in files:
  107. </p>
  108. <ul>
  109. <li>
  110. Indent size is 4.
  111. </li><li>
  112. The TAB character is forbidden outside of Makefiles as is any
  113. form of trailing whitespace. Commits containing either will be
  114. rejected by the git repository.
  115. </li><li>
  116. You should try to limit your code lines to 80 characters; however, do so if
  117. and only if this improves readability.
  118. </li><li>
  119. K&amp;R coding style is used.
  120. </li></ul>
  121. <p>The presentation is one inspired by &rsquo;indent -i4 -kr -nut&rsquo;.
  122. </p>
  123. <p>The main priority in FFmpeg is simplicity and small code size in order to
  124. minimize the bug count.
  125. </p>
  126. <a name="Comments"></a>
  127. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Comments">3.2 Comments</a></h2>
  128. <p>Use the JavaDoc/Doxygen format (see examples below) so that code documentation
  129. can be generated automatically. All nontrivial functions should have a comment
  130. above them explaining what the function does, even if it is just one sentence.
  131. All structures and their member variables should be documented, too.
  132. </p>
  133. <p>Avoid Qt-style and similar Doxygen syntax with <code>!</code> in it, i.e. replace
  134. <code>//!</code> with <code>///</code> and similar. Also @ syntax should be employed
  135. for markup commands, i.e. use <code>@param</code> and not <code>\param</code>.
  136. </p>
  137. <div class="example">
  138. <pre class="example">/**
  139. * @file
  140. * MPEG codec.
  141. * @author ...
  142. */
  143. /**
  144. * Summary sentence.
  145. * more text ...
  146. * ...
  147. */
  148. typedef struct Foobar {
  149. int var1; /**&lt; var1 description */
  150. int var2; ///&lt; var2 description
  151. /** var3 description */
  152. int var3;
  153. } Foobar;
  154. /**
  155. * Summary sentence.
  156. * more text ...
  157. * ...
  158. * @param my_parameter description of my_parameter
  159. * @return return value description
  160. */
  161. int myfunc(int my_parameter)
  162. ...
  163. </pre></div>
  164. <a name="C-language-features"></a>
  165. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-C-language-features">3.3 C language features</a></h2>
  166. <p>FFmpeg is programmed in the ISO C90 language with a few additional
  167. features from ISO C99, namely:
  168. </p>
  169. <ul>
  170. <li>
  171. the &lsquo;<samp>inline</samp>&rsquo; keyword;
  172. </li><li>
  173. &lsquo;<samp>//</samp>&rsquo; comments;
  174. </li><li>
  175. designated struct initializers (&lsquo;<samp>struct s x = { .i = 17 };</samp>&rsquo;);
  176. </li><li>
  177. compound literals (&lsquo;<samp>x = (struct s) { 17, 23 };</samp>&rsquo;).
  178. </li><li>
  179. for loops with variable definition (&lsquo;<samp>for (int i = 0; i &lt; 8; i++)</samp>&rsquo;);
  180. </li><li>
  181. Implementation defined behavior for signed integers is assumed to match the
  182. expected behavior for two&rsquo;s complement. Non representable values in integer
  183. casts are binary truncated. Shift right of signed values uses sign extension.
  184. </li></ul>
  185. <p>These features are supported by all compilers we care about, so we will not
  186. accept patches to remove their use unless they absolutely do not impair
  187. clarity and performance.
  188. </p>
  189. <p>All code must compile with recent versions of GCC and a number of other
  190. currently supported compilers. To ensure compatibility, please do not use
  191. additional C99 features or GCC extensions. Especially watch out for:
  192. </p>
  193. <ul>
  194. <li>
  195. mixing statements and declarations;
  196. </li><li>
  197. &lsquo;<samp>long long</samp>&rsquo; (use &lsquo;<samp>int64_t</samp>&rsquo; instead);
  198. </li><li>
  199. &lsquo;<samp>__attribute__</samp>&rsquo; not protected by &lsquo;<samp>#ifdef __GNUC__</samp>&rsquo; or similar;
  200. </li><li>
  201. GCC statement expressions (&lsquo;<samp>(x = ({ int y = 4; y; })</samp>&rsquo;).
  202. </li></ul>
  203. <a name="Naming-conventions"></a>
  204. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Naming-conventions">3.4 Naming conventions</a></h2>
  205. <p>All names should be composed with underscores (_), not CamelCase. For example,
  206. &lsquo;<samp>avfilter_get_video_buffer</samp>&rsquo; is an acceptable function name and
  207. &lsquo;<samp>AVFilterGetVideo</samp>&rsquo; is not. The exception from this are type names, like
  208. for example structs and enums; they should always be in CamelCase.
  209. </p>
  210. <p>There are the following conventions for naming variables and functions:
  211. </p>
  212. <ul>
  213. <li>
  214. For local variables no prefix is required.
  215. </li><li>
  216. For file-scope variables and functions declared as <code>static</code>, no prefix
  217. is required.
  218. </li><li>
  219. For variables and functions visible outside of file scope, but only used
  220. internally by a library, an <code>ff_</code> prefix should be used,
  221. e.g. &lsquo;<samp>ff_w64_demuxer</samp>&rsquo;.
  222. </li><li>
  223. For variables and functions visible outside of file scope, used internally
  224. across multiple libraries, use <code>avpriv_</code> as prefix, for example,
  225. &lsquo;<samp>avpriv_report_missing_feature</samp>&rsquo;.
  226. </li><li>
  227. Each library has its own prefix for public symbols, in addition to the
  228. commonly used <code>av_</code> (<code>avformat_</code> for libavformat,
  229. <code>avcodec_</code> for libavcodec, <code>swr_</code> for libswresample, etc).
  230. Check the existing code and choose names accordingly.
  231. Note that some symbols without these prefixes are also exported for
  232. retro-compatibility reasons. These exceptions are declared in the
  233. <code>lib&lt;name&gt;/lib&lt;name&gt;.v</code> files.
  234. </li></ul>
  235. <p>Furthermore, name space reserved for the system should not be invaded.
  236. Identifiers ending in <code>_t</code> are reserved by
  237. <a href="http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/xsh_chap02_02.html#tag_02_02_02">POSIX</a>.
  238. Also avoid names starting with <code>__</code> or <code>_</code> followed by an uppercase
  239. letter as they are reserved by the C standard. Names starting with <code>_</code>
  240. are reserved at the file level and may not be used for externally visible
  241. symbols. If in doubt, just avoid names starting with <code>_</code> altogether.
  242. </p>
  243. <a name="Miscellaneous-conventions"></a>
  244. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Miscellaneous-conventions">3.5 Miscellaneous conventions</a></h2>
  245. <ul>
  246. <li>
  247. fprintf and printf are forbidden in libavformat and libavcodec,
  248. please use av_log() instead.
  249. </li><li>
  250. Casts should be used only when necessary. Unneeded parentheses
  251. should also be avoided if they don&rsquo;t make the code easier to understand.
  252. </li></ul>
  253. <a name="Editor-configuration"></a>
  254. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Editor-configuration">3.6 Editor configuration</a></h2>
  255. <p>In order to configure Vim to follow FFmpeg formatting conventions, paste
  256. the following snippet into your &lsquo;<tt>.vimrc</tt>&rsquo;:
  257. </p><div class="example">
  258. <pre class="example">&quot; indentation rules for FFmpeg: 4 spaces, no tabs
  259. set expandtab
  260. set shiftwidth=4
  261. set softtabstop=4
  262. set cindent
  263. set cinoptions=(0
  264. &quot; Allow tabs in Makefiles.
  265. autocmd FileType make,automake set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 softtabstop=8
  266. &quot; Trailing whitespace and tabs are forbidden, so highlight them.
  267. highlight ForbiddenWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
  268. match ForbiddenWhitespace /\s\+$\|\t/
  269. &quot; Do not highlight spaces at the end of line while typing on that line.
  270. autocmd InsertEnter * match ForbiddenWhitespace /\t\|\s\+\%#\@&lt;!$/
  271. </pre></div>
  272. <p>For Emacs, add these roughly equivalent lines to your &lsquo;<tt>.emacs.d/init.el</tt>&rsquo;:
  273. </p><div class="lisp">
  274. <pre class="lisp">(c-add-style &quot;ffmpeg&quot;
  275. '(&quot;k&amp;r&quot;
  276. (c-basic-offset . 4)
  277. (indent-tabs-mode . nil)
  278. (show-trailing-whitespace . t)
  279. (c-offsets-alist
  280. (statement-cont . (c-lineup-assignments +)))
  281. )
  282. )
  283. (setq c-default-style &quot;ffmpeg&quot;)
  284. </pre></div>
  285. <a name="Development-Policy"></a>
  286. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Development-Policy">4 Development Policy</a></h1>
  287. <a name="Patches_002fCommitting"></a>
  288. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Patches_002fCommitting">4.1 Patches/Committing</a></h2>
  289. <a name="Licenses-for-patches-must-be-compatible-with-FFmpeg_002e"></a>
  290. <h3 class="subheading">Licenses for patches must be compatible with FFmpeg.</h3>
  291. <p>Contributions should be licensed under the
  292. <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html">LGPL 2.1</a>,
  293. including an &quot;or any later version&quot; clause, or, if you prefer
  294. a gift-style license, the
  295. <a href="http://opensource.org/licenses/isc-license.txt">ISC</a> or
  296. <a href="http://mit-license.org/">MIT</a> license.
  297. <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html">GPL 2</a> including
  298. an &quot;or any later version&quot; clause is also acceptable, but LGPL is
  299. preferred.
  300. If you add a new file, give it a proper license header. Do not copy and
  301. paste it from a random place, use an existing file as template.
  302. </p>
  303. <a name="You-must-not-commit-code-which-breaks-FFmpeg_0021"></a>
  304. <h3 class="subheading">You must not commit code which breaks FFmpeg!</h3>
  305. <p>This means unfinished code which is enabled and breaks compilation,
  306. or compiles but does not work/breaks the regression tests. Code which
  307. is unfinished but disabled may be permitted under-circumstances, like
  308. missing samples or an implementation with a small subset of features.
  309. Always check the mailing list for any reviewers with issues and test
  310. FATE before you push.
  311. </p>
  312. <a name="Keep-the-main-commit-message-short-with-an-extended-description-below_002e"></a>
  313. <h3 class="subheading">Keep the main commit message short with an extended description below.</h3>
  314. <p>The commit message should have a short first line in the form of
  315. a &lsquo;<samp>topic: short description</samp>&rsquo; as a header, separated by a newline
  316. from the body consisting of an explanation of why the change is necessary.
  317. If the commit fixes a known bug on the bug tracker, the commit message
  318. should include its bug ID. Referring to the issue on the bug tracker does
  319. not exempt you from writing an excerpt of the bug in the commit message.
  320. </p>
  321. <a name="Testing-must-be-adequate-but-not-excessive_002e"></a>
  322. <h3 class="subheading">Testing must be adequate but not excessive.</h3>
  323. <p>If it works for you, others, and passes FATE then it should be OK to commit
  324. it, provided it fits the other committing criteria. You should not worry about
  325. over-testing things. If your code has problems (portability, triggers
  326. compiler bugs, unusual environment etc) they will be reported and eventually
  327. fixed.
  328. </p>
  329. <a name="Do-not-commit-unrelated-changes-together_002e"></a>
  330. <h3 class="subheading">Do not commit unrelated changes together.</h3>
  331. <p>They should be split them into self-contained pieces. Also do not forget
  332. that if part B depends on part A, but A does not depend on B, then A can
  333. and should be committed first and separate from B. Keeping changes well
  334. split into self-contained parts makes reviewing and understanding them on
  335. the commit log mailing list easier. This also helps in case of debugging
  336. later on.
  337. Also if you have doubts about splitting or not splitting, do not hesitate to
  338. ask/discuss it on the developer mailing list.
  339. </p>
  340. <a name="Ask-before-you-change-the-build-system-_0028configure_002c-etc_0029_002e"></a>
  341. <h3 class="subheading">Ask before you change the build system (configure, etc).</h3>
  342. <p>Do not commit changes to the build system (Makefiles, configure script)
  343. which change behavior, defaults etc, without asking first. The same
  344. applies to compiler warning fixes, trivial looking fixes and to code
  345. maintained by other developers. We usually have a reason for doing things
  346. the way we do. Send your changes as patches to the ffmpeg-devel mailing
  347. list, and if the code maintainers say OK, you may commit. This does not
  348. apply to files you wrote and/or maintain.
  349. </p>
  350. <a name="Cosmetic-changes-should-be-kept-in-separate-patches_002e"></a>
  351. <h3 class="subheading">Cosmetic changes should be kept in separate patches.</h3>
  352. <p>We refuse source indentation and other cosmetic changes if they are mixed
  353. with functional changes, such commits will be rejected and removed. Every
  354. developer has his own indentation style, you should not change it. Of course
  355. if you (re)write something, you can use your own style, even though we would
  356. prefer if the indentation throughout FFmpeg was consistent (Many projects
  357. force a given indentation style - we do not.). If you really need to make
  358. indentation changes (try to avoid this), separate them strictly from real
  359. changes.
  360. </p>
  361. <p>NOTE: If you had to put if(){ .. } over a large (&gt; 5 lines) chunk of code,
  362. then either do NOT change the indentation of the inner part within (do not
  363. move it to the right)! or do so in a separate commit
  364. </p>
  365. <a name="Commit-messages-should-always-be-filled-out-properly_002e"></a>
  366. <h3 class="subheading">Commit messages should always be filled out properly.</h3>
  367. <p>Always fill out the commit log message. Describe in a few lines what you
  368. changed and why. You can refer to mailing list postings if you fix a
  369. particular bug. Comments such as &quot;fixed!&quot; or &quot;Changed it.&quot; are unacceptable.
  370. Recommended format:
  371. </p>
  372. <div class="example">
  373. <pre class="example">area changed: Short 1 line description
  374. details describing what and why and giving references.
  375. </pre></div>
  376. <a name="Credit-the-author-of-the-patch_002e"></a>
  377. <h3 class="subheading">Credit the author of the patch.</h3>
  378. <p>Make sure the author of the commit is set correctly. (see git commit &ndash;author)
  379. If you apply a patch, send an
  380. answer to ffmpeg-devel (or wherever you got the patch from) saying that
  381. you applied the patch.
  382. </p>
  383. <a name="Complex-patches-should-refer-to-discussion-surrounding-them_002e"></a>
  384. <h3 class="subheading">Complex patches should refer to discussion surrounding them.</h3>
  385. <p>When applying patches that have been discussed (at length) on the mailing
  386. list, reference the thread in the log message.
  387. </p>
  388. <a name="Always-wait-long-enough-before-pushing-changes"></a>
  389. <h3 class="subheading">Always wait long enough before pushing changes</h3>
  390. <p>Do NOT commit to code actively maintained by others without permission.
  391. Send a patch to ffmpeg-devel. If no one answers within a reasonable
  392. time-frame (12h for build failures and security fixes, 3 days small changes,
  393. 1 week for big patches) then commit your patch if you think it is OK.
  394. Also note, the maintainer can simply ask for more time to review!
  395. </p>
  396. <a name="Code"></a>
  397. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Code">4.2 Code</a></h2>
  398. <a name="API_002fABI-changes-should-be-discussed-before-they-are-made_002e"></a>
  399. <h3 class="subheading">API/ABI changes should be discussed before they are made.</h3>
  400. <p>Do not change behavior of the programs (renaming options etc) or public
  401. API or ABI without first discussing it on the ffmpeg-devel mailing list.
  402. Do not remove widely used functionality or features (redundant code can be removed).
  403. </p>
  404. <a name="Remember-to-check-if-you-need-to-bump-versions-for-libav_002a_002e"></a>
  405. <h3 class="subheading">Remember to check if you need to bump versions for libav*.</h3>
  406. <p>Depending on the change, you may need to change the version integer.
  407. Incrementing the first component means no backward compatibility to
  408. previous versions (e.g. removal of a function from the public API).
  409. Incrementing the second component means backward compatible change
  410. (e.g. addition of a function to the public API or extension of an
  411. existing data structure).
  412. Incrementing the third component means a noteworthy binary compatible
  413. change (e.g. encoder bug fix that matters for the decoder). The third
  414. component always starts at 100 to distinguish FFmpeg from Libav.
  415. </p>
  416. <a name="Warnings-for-correct-code-may-be-disabled-if-there-is-no-other-option_002e"></a>
  417. <h3 class="subheading">Warnings for correct code may be disabled if there is no other option.</h3>
  418. <p>Compiler warnings indicate potential bugs or code with bad style. If a type of
  419. warning always points to correct and clean code, that warning should
  420. be disabled, not the code changed.
  421. Thus the remaining warnings can either be bugs or correct code.
  422. If it is a bug, the bug has to be fixed. If it is not, the code should
  423. be changed to not generate a warning unless that causes a slowdown
  424. or obfuscates the code.
  425. </p>
  426. <a name="Check-untrusted-input-properly_002e"></a>
  427. <h3 class="subheading">Check untrusted input properly.</h3>
  428. <p>Never write to unallocated memory, never write over the end of arrays,
  429. always check values read from some untrusted source before using them
  430. as array index or other risky things.
  431. </p>
  432. <a name="Documentation_002fOther"></a>
  433. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Documentation_002fOther">4.3 Documentation/Other</a></h2>
  434. <a name="Subscribe-to-the-ffmpeg_002ddevel-mailing-list_002e"></a>
  435. <h3 class="subheading">Subscribe to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list.</h3>
  436. <p>It is important to be subscribed to the
  437. <a href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel">ffmpeg-devel</a>
  438. mailing list. Almost any non-trivial patch is to be sent there for review.
  439. Other developers may have comments about your contribution. We expect you see
  440. those comments, and to improve it if requested. (N.B. Experienced committers
  441. have other channels, and may sometimes skip review for trivial fixes.) Also,
  442. discussion here about bug fixes and FFmpeg improvements by other developers may
  443. be helpful information for you. Finally, by being a list subscriber, your
  444. contribution will be posted immediately to the list, without the moderation
  445. hold which messages from non-subscribers experience.
  446. </p>
  447. <p>However, it is more important to the project that we receive your patch than
  448. that you be subscribed to the ffmpeg-devel list. If you have a patch, and don&rsquo;t
  449. want to subscribe and discuss the patch, then please do send it to the list
  450. anyway.
  451. </p>
  452. <a name="Subscribe-to-the-ffmpeg_002dcvslog-mailing-list_002e"></a>
  453. <h3 class="subheading">Subscribe to the ffmpeg-cvslog mailing list.</h3>
  454. <p>Diffs of all commits are sent to the
  455. <a href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-cvslog">ffmpeg-cvslog</a>
  456. mailing list. Some developers read this list to review all code base changes
  457. from all sources. Subscribing to this list is not mandatory.
  458. </p>
  459. <a name="Keep-the-documentation-up-to-date_002e"></a>
  460. <h3 class="subheading">Keep the documentation up to date.</h3>
  461. <p>Update the documentation if you change behavior or add features. If you are
  462. unsure how best to do this, send a patch to ffmpeg-devel, the documentation
  463. maintainer(s) will review and commit your stuff.
  464. </p>
  465. <a name="Important-discussions-should-be-accessible-to-all_002e"></a>
  466. <h3 class="subheading">Important discussions should be accessible to all.</h3>
  467. <p>Try to keep important discussions and requests (also) on the public
  468. developer mailing list, so that all developers can benefit from them.
  469. </p>
  470. <a name="Check-your-entries-in-MAINTAINERS_002e"></a>
  471. <h3 class="subheading">Check your entries in MAINTAINERS.</h3>
  472. <p>Make sure that no parts of the codebase that you maintain are missing from the
  473. &lsquo;<tt>MAINTAINERS</tt>&rsquo; file. If something that you want to maintain is missing add it with
  474. your name after it.
  475. If at some point you no longer want to maintain some code, then please help in
  476. finding a new maintainer and also don&rsquo;t forget to update the &lsquo;<tt>MAINTAINERS</tt>&rsquo; file.
  477. </p>
  478. <p>We think our rules are not too hard. If you have comments, contact us.
  479. </p>
  480. <a name="Code-of-conduct"></a>
  481. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Code-of-conduct">5 Code of conduct</a></h1>
  482. <p>Be friendly and respectful towards others and third parties.
  483. Treat others the way you yourself want to be treated.
  484. </p>
  485. <p>Be considerate. Not everyone shares the same viewpoint and priorities as you do.
  486. Different opinions and interpretations help the project.
  487. Looking at issues from a different perspective assists development.
  488. </p>
  489. <p>Do not assume malice for things that can be attributed to incompetence. Even if
  490. it is malice, it&rsquo;s rarely good to start with that as initial assumption.
  491. </p>
  492. <p>Stay friendly even if someone acts contrarily. Everyone has a bad day
  493. once in a while.
  494. If you yourself have a bad day or are angry then try to take a break and reply
  495. once you are calm and without anger if you have to.
  496. </p>
  497. <p>Try to help other team members and cooperate if you can.
  498. </p>
  499. <p>The goal of software development is to create technical excellence, not for any
  500. individual to be better and &quot;win&quot; against the others. Large software projects
  501. are only possible and successful through teamwork.
  502. </p>
  503. <p>If someone struggles do not put them down. Give them a helping hand
  504. instead and point them in the right direction.
  505. </p>
  506. <p>Finally, keep in mind the immortal words of Bill and Ted,
  507. &quot;Be excellent to each other.&quot;
  508. </p>
  509. <p><a name="Submitting-patches"></a>
  510. </p><a name="Submitting-patches-1"></a>
  511. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Submitting-patches-1">6 Submitting patches</a></h1>
  512. <p>First, read the <a href="#Coding-Rules">Coding Rules</a> above if you did not yet, in particular
  513. the rules regarding patch submission.
  514. </p>
  515. <p>When you submit your patch, please use <code>git format-patch</code> or
  516. <code>git send-email</code>. We cannot read other diffs :-).
  517. </p>
  518. <p>Also please do not submit a patch which contains several unrelated changes.
  519. Split it into separate, self-contained pieces. This does not mean splitting
  520. file by file. Instead, make the patch as small as possible while still
  521. keeping it as a logical unit that contains an individual change, even
  522. if it spans multiple files. This makes reviewing your patches much easier
  523. for us and greatly increases your chances of getting your patch applied.
  524. </p>
  525. <p>Use the patcheck tool of FFmpeg to check your patch.
  526. The tool is located in the tools directory.
  527. </p>
  528. <p>Run the <a href="#Regression-tests">Regression tests</a> before submitting a patch in order to verify
  529. it does not cause unexpected problems.
  530. </p>
  531. <p>It also helps quite a bit if you tell us what the patch does (for example
  532. &rsquo;replaces lrint by lrintf&rsquo;), and why (for example &rsquo;*BSD isn&rsquo;t C99 compliant
  533. and has no lrint()&rsquo;)
  534. </p>
  535. <p>Also please if you send several patches, send each patch as a separate mail,
  536. do not attach several unrelated patches to the same mail.
  537. </p>
  538. <p>Patches should be posted to the
  539. <a href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel">ffmpeg-devel</a>
  540. mailing list. Use <code>git send-email</code> when possible since it will properly
  541. send patches without requiring extra care. If you cannot, then send patches
  542. as base64-encoded attachments, so your patch is not trashed during
  543. transmission. Also ensure the correct mime type is used
  544. (text/x-diff or text/x-patch or at least text/plain) and that only one
  545. patch is inline or attached per mail.
  546. You can check <a href="https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org">https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org</a>, if your patch does not show up, its mime type
  547. likely was wrong.
  548. </p>
  549. <p>Your patch will be reviewed on the mailing list. You will likely be asked
  550. to make some changes and are expected to send in an improved version that
  551. incorporates the requests from the review. This process may go through
  552. several iterations. Once your patch is deemed good enough, some developer
  553. will pick it up and commit it to the official FFmpeg tree.
  554. </p>
  555. <p>Give us a few days to react. But if some time passes without reaction,
  556. send a reminder by email. Your patch should eventually be dealt with.
  557. </p>
  558. <a name="New-codecs-or-formats-checklist"></a>
  559. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-New-codecs-or-formats-checklist">7 New codecs or formats checklist</a></h1>
  560. <ol>
  561. <li>
  562. Did you use av_cold for codec initialization and close functions?
  563. </li><li>
  564. Did you add a long_name under NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL to the AVCodec or
  565. AVInputFormat/AVOutputFormat struct?
  566. </li><li>
  567. Did you bump the minor version number (and reset the micro version
  568. number) in &lsquo;<tt>libavcodec/version.h</tt>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<tt>libavformat/version.h</tt>&rsquo;?
  569. </li><li>
  570. Did you register it in &lsquo;<tt>allcodecs.c</tt>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<tt>allformats.c</tt>&rsquo;?
  571. </li><li>
  572. Did you add the AVCodecID to &lsquo;<tt>avcodec.h</tt>&rsquo;?
  573. When adding new codec IDs, also add an entry to the codec descriptor
  574. list in &lsquo;<tt>libavcodec/codec_desc.c</tt>&rsquo;.
  575. </li><li>
  576. If it has a FourCC, did you add it to &lsquo;<tt>libavformat/riff.c</tt>&rsquo;,
  577. even if it is only a decoder?
  578. </li><li>
  579. Did you add a rule to compile the appropriate files in the Makefile?
  580. Remember to do this even if you&rsquo;re just adding a format to a file that is
  581. already being compiled by some other rule, like a raw demuxer.
  582. </li><li>
  583. Did you add an entry to the table of supported formats or codecs in
  584. &lsquo;<tt>doc/general.texi</tt>&rsquo;?
  585. </li><li>
  586. Did you add an entry in the Changelog?
  587. </li><li>
  588. If it depends on a parser or a library, did you add that dependency in
  589. configure?
  590. </li><li>
  591. Did you <code>git add</code> the appropriate files before committing?
  592. </li><li>
  593. Did you make sure it compiles standalone, i.e. with
  594. <code>configure --disable-everything --enable-decoder=foo</code>
  595. (or <code>--enable-demuxer</code> or whatever your component is)?
  596. </li></ol>
  597. <a name="Patch-submission-checklist"></a>
  598. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Patch-submission-checklist">8 Patch submission checklist</a></h1>
  599. <ol>
  600. <li>
  601. Does <code>make fate</code> pass with the patch applied?
  602. </li><li>
  603. Was the patch generated with git format-patch or send-email?
  604. </li><li>
  605. Did you sign-off your patch? (<code>git commit -s</code>)
  606. See <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst">Sign your work</a> for the meaning
  607. of <em>sign-off</em>.
  608. </li><li>
  609. Did you provide a clear git commit log message?
  610. </li><li>
  611. Is the patch against latest FFmpeg git master branch?
  612. </li><li>
  613. Are you subscribed to ffmpeg-devel?
  614. (the list is subscribers only due to spam)
  615. </li><li>
  616. Have you checked that the changes are minimal, so that the same cannot be
  617. achieved with a smaller patch and/or simpler final code?
  618. </li><li>
  619. If the change is to speed critical code, did you benchmark it?
  620. </li><li>
  621. If you did any benchmarks, did you provide them in the mail?
  622. </li><li>
  623. Have you checked that the patch does not introduce buffer overflows or
  624. other security issues?
  625. </li><li>
  626. Did you test your decoder or demuxer against damaged data? If no, see
  627. tools/trasher, the noise bitstream filter, and
  628. <a href="http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/zzuf">zzuf</a>. Your decoder or demuxer
  629. should not crash, end in a (near) infinite loop, or allocate ridiculous
  630. amounts of memory when fed damaged data.
  631. </li><li>
  632. Did you test your decoder or demuxer against sample files?
  633. Samples may be obtained at <a href="https://samples.ffmpeg.org">https://samples.ffmpeg.org</a>.
  634. </li><li>
  635. Does the patch not mix functional and cosmetic changes?
  636. </li><li>
  637. Did you add tabs or trailing whitespace to the code? Both are forbidden.
  638. </li><li>
  639. Is the patch attached to the email you send?
  640. </li><li>
  641. Is the mime type of the patch correct? It should be text/x-diff or
  642. text/x-patch or at least text/plain and not application/octet-stream.
  643. </li><li>
  644. If the patch fixes a bug, did you provide a verbose analysis of the bug?
  645. </li><li>
  646. If the patch fixes a bug, did you provide enough information, including
  647. a sample, so the bug can be reproduced and the fix can be verified?
  648. Note please do not attach samples &gt;100k to mails but rather provide a
  649. URL, you can upload to ftp://upload.ffmpeg.org.
  650. </li><li>
  651. Did you provide a verbose summary about what the patch does change?
  652. </li><li>
  653. Did you provide a verbose explanation why it changes things like it does?
  654. </li><li>
  655. Did you provide a verbose summary of the user visible advantages and
  656. disadvantages if the patch is applied?
  657. </li><li>
  658. Did you provide an example so we can verify the new feature added by the
  659. patch easily?
  660. </li><li>
  661. If you added a new file, did you insert a license header? It should be
  662. taken from FFmpeg, not randomly copied and pasted from somewhere else.
  663. </li><li>
  664. You should maintain alphabetical order in alphabetically ordered lists as
  665. long as doing so does not break API/ABI compatibility.
  666. </li><li>
  667. Lines with similar content should be aligned vertically when doing so
  668. improves readability.
  669. </li><li>
  670. Consider adding a regression test for your code.
  671. </li><li>
  672. If you added YASM code please check that things still work with &ndash;disable-yasm.
  673. </li><li>
  674. Make sure you check the return values of function and return appropriate
  675. error codes. Especially memory allocation functions like <code>av_malloc()</code>
  676. are notoriously left unchecked, which is a serious problem.
  677. </li><li>
  678. Test your code with valgrind and or Address Sanitizer to ensure it&rsquo;s free
  679. of leaks, out of array accesses, etc.
  680. </li></ol>
  681. <a name="Patch-review-process"></a>
  682. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Patch-review-process">9 Patch review process</a></h1>
  683. <p>All patches posted to ffmpeg-devel will be reviewed, unless they contain a
  684. clear note that the patch is not for the git master branch.
  685. Reviews and comments will be posted as replies to the patch on the
  686. mailing list. The patch submitter then has to take care of every comment,
  687. that can be by resubmitting a changed patch or by discussion. Resubmitted
  688. patches will themselves be reviewed like any other patch. If at some point
  689. a patch passes review with no comments then it is approved, that can for
  690. simple and small patches happen immediately while large patches will generally
  691. have to be changed and reviewed many times before they are approved.
  692. After a patch is approved it will be committed to the repository.
  693. </p>
  694. <p>We will review all submitted patches, but sometimes we are quite busy so
  695. especially for large patches this can take several weeks.
  696. </p>
  697. <p>If you feel that the review process is too slow and you are willing to try to
  698. take over maintainership of the area of code you change then just clone
  699. git master and maintain the area of code there. We will merge each area from
  700. where its best maintained.
  701. </p>
  702. <p>When resubmitting patches, please do not make any significant changes
  703. not related to the comments received during review. Such patches will
  704. be rejected. Instead, submit significant changes or new features as
  705. separate patches.
  706. </p>
  707. <p>Everyone is welcome to review patches. Also if you are waiting for your patch
  708. to be reviewed, please consider helping to review other patches, that is a great
  709. way to get everyone&rsquo;s patches reviewed sooner.
  710. </p>
  711. <p><a name="Regression-tests"></a>
  712. </p><a name="Regression-tests-1"></a>
  713. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Regression-tests-1">10 Regression tests</a></h1>
  714. <p>Before submitting a patch (or committing to the repository), you should at least
  715. test that you did not break anything.
  716. </p>
  717. <p>Running &rsquo;make fate&rsquo; accomplishes this, please see <a href="fate.html">fate.html</a> for details.
  718. </p>
  719. <p>[Of course, some patches may change the results of the regression tests. In
  720. this case, the reference results of the regression tests shall be modified
  721. accordingly].
  722. </p>
  723. <a name="Adding-files-to-the-fate_002dsuite-dataset"></a>
  724. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Adding-files-to-the-fate_002dsuite-dataset">10.1 Adding files to the fate-suite dataset</a></h2>
  725. <p>When there is no muxer or encoder available to generate test media for a
  726. specific test then the media has to be included in the fate-suite.
  727. First please make sure that the sample file is as small as possible to test the
  728. respective decoder or demuxer sufficiently. Large files increase network
  729. bandwidth and disk space requirements.
  730. Once you have a working fate test and fate sample, provide in the commit
  731. message or introductory message for the patch series that you post to
  732. the ffmpeg-devel mailing list, a direct link to download the sample media.
  733. </p>
  734. <a name="Visualizing-Test-Coverage"></a>
  735. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Visualizing-Test-Coverage">10.2 Visualizing Test Coverage</a></h2>
  736. <p>The FFmpeg build system allows visualizing the test coverage in an easy
  737. manner with the coverage tools <code>gcov</code>/<code>lcov</code>. This involves
  738. the following steps:
  739. </p>
  740. <ol>
  741. <li>
  742. Configure to compile with instrumentation enabled:
  743. <code>configure --toolchain=gcov</code>.
  744. </li><li>
  745. Run your test case, either manually or via FATE. This can be either
  746. the full FATE regression suite, or any arbitrary invocation of any
  747. front-end tool provided by FFmpeg, in any combination.
  748. </li><li>
  749. Run <code>make lcov</code> to generate coverage data in HTML format.
  750. </li><li>
  751. View <code>lcov/index.html</code> in your preferred HTML viewer.
  752. </li></ol>
  753. <p>You can use the command <code>make lcov-reset</code> to reset the coverage
  754. measurements. You will need to rerun <code>make lcov</code> after running a
  755. new test.
  756. </p>
  757. <a name="Using-Valgrind"></a>
  758. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Using-Valgrind">10.3 Using Valgrind</a></h2>
  759. <p>The configure script provides a shortcut for using valgrind to spot bugs
  760. related to memory handling. Just add the option
  761. <code>--toolchain=valgrind-memcheck</code> or <code>--toolchain=valgrind-massif</code>
  762. to your configure line, and reasonable defaults will be set for running
  763. FATE under the supervision of either the <strong>memcheck</strong> or the
  764. <strong>massif</strong> tool of the valgrind suite.
  765. </p>
  766. <p>In case you need finer control over how valgrind is invoked, use the
  767. <code>--target-exec='valgrind &lt;your_custom_valgrind_options&gt;</code> option in
  768. your configure line instead.
  769. </p>
  770. <p><a name="Release-process"></a>
  771. </p><a name="Release-process-1"></a>
  772. <h1 class="chapter"><a href="developer.html#toc-Release-process-1">11 Release process</a></h1>
  773. <p>FFmpeg maintains a set of <strong>release branches</strong>, which are the
  774. recommended deliverable for system integrators and distributors (such as
  775. Linux distributions, etc.). At regular times, a <strong>release
  776. manager</strong> prepares, tests and publishes tarballs on the
  777. <a href="https://ffmpeg.org">https://ffmpeg.org</a> website.
  778. </p>
  779. <p>There are two kinds of releases:
  780. </p>
  781. <ol>
  782. <li>
  783. <strong>Major releases</strong> always include the latest and greatest
  784. features and functionality.
  785. </li><li>
  786. <strong>Point releases</strong> are cut from <strong>release</strong> branches,
  787. which are named <code>release/X</code>, with <code>X</code> being the release
  788. version number.
  789. </li></ol>
  790. <p>Note that we promise to our users that shared libraries from any FFmpeg
  791. release never break programs that have been <strong>compiled</strong> against
  792. previous versions of <strong>the same release series</strong> in any case!
  793. </p>
  794. <p>However, from time to time, we do make API changes that require adaptations
  795. in applications. Such changes are only allowed in (new) major releases and
  796. require further steps such as bumping library version numbers and/or
  797. adjustments to the symbol versioning file. Please discuss such changes
  798. on the <strong>ffmpeg-devel</strong> mailing list in time to allow forward planning.
  799. </p>
  800. <p><a name="Criteria-for-Point-Releases"></a>
  801. </p><a name="Criteria-for-Point-Releases-1"></a>
  802. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Criteria-for-Point-Releases-1">11.1 Criteria for Point Releases</a></h2>
  803. <p>Changes that match the following criteria are valid candidates for
  804. inclusion into a point release:
  805. </p>
  806. <ol>
  807. <li>
  808. Fixes a security issue, preferably identified by a <strong>CVE
  809. number</strong> issued by <a href="http://cve.mitre.org/">http://cve.mitre.org/</a>.
  810. </li><li>
  811. Fixes a documented bug in <a href="https://trac.ffmpeg.org">https://trac.ffmpeg.org</a>.
  812. </li><li>
  813. Improves the included documentation.
  814. </li><li>
  815. Retains both source code and binary compatibility with previous
  816. point releases of the same release branch.
  817. </li></ol>
  818. <p>The order for checking the rules is (1 OR 2 OR 3) AND 4.
  819. </p>
  820. <a name="Release-Checklist"></a>
  821. <h2 class="section"><a href="developer.html#toc-Release-Checklist">11.2 Release Checklist</a></h2>
  822. <p>The release process involves the following steps:
  823. </p>
  824. <ol>
  825. <li>
  826. Ensure that the &lsquo;<tt>RELEASE</tt>&rsquo; file contains the version number for
  827. the upcoming release.
  828. </li><li>
  829. Add the release at <a href="https://trac.ffmpeg.org/admin/ticket/versions">https://trac.ffmpeg.org/admin/ticket/versions</a>.
  830. </li><li>
  831. Announce the intent to do a release to the mailing list.
  832. </li><li>
  833. Make sure all relevant security fixes have been backported. See
  834. <a href="https://ffmpeg.org/security.html">https://ffmpeg.org/security.html</a>.
  835. </li><li>
  836. Ensure that the FATE regression suite still passes in the release
  837. branch on at least <strong>i386</strong> and <strong>amd64</strong>
  838. (cf. <a href="#Regression-tests">Regression tests</a>).
  839. </li><li>
  840. Prepare the release tarballs in <code>bz2</code> and <code>gz</code> formats, and
  841. supplementing files that contain <code>gpg</code> signatures
  842. </li><li>
  843. Publish the tarballs at <a href="https://ffmpeg.org/releases">https://ffmpeg.org/releases</a>. Create and
  844. push an annotated tag in the form <code>nX</code>, with <code>X</code>
  845. containing the version number.
  846. </li><li>
  847. Propose and send a patch to the <strong>ffmpeg-devel</strong> mailing list
  848. with a news entry for the website.
  849. </li><li>
  850. Publish the news entry.
  851. </li><li>
  852. Send an announcement to the mailing list.
  853. </li></ol>
  854. </div>
  855. </body>
  856. </html>